Restarting AppServers - Possible Causes

What are some of the possible causes why the appservers go down and need to be restarted? This is happening in our Test environment and would like to know where to start to begin looking at possible causes.

Rogue BAQ will do it,
Rogue Process like MRP long running will do it
Bad BPMs will do it specially if they cause large memory leaks

Look for LARGE files in the EpicorData folder, that’s usually a sign of a bad BAQ, BPM or Report.

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Monitor you System Monitor’s active tasks

This is in our Test environment so when it goes down, there isn’t a way to monitor the active tasks to review so we restart the appservers. There aren’t too many users using the Test environment so we usually wouldn’t monitor active tasks since it seems to happen sporadically. It happened twice this week and probably about 4-5 months prior to this week was when it last went down.

Then I’d do with Jose’s suggestions. Could be a memory leak too, E9 had

Is there a way to check for the memory leak? How would we test which BPM is causing the memory leak?