Review Journal - LineNet Amount different from the GL distribution total

Hello Everyone,

AP Invoice posted and ends up with review journal whereas Debit and Credit match correctly. However, I have been encountering this problem.


Is this invoice booked in the foreign currency ?

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Yes, that is correct.

Try below mentioned 2 setup, it might work.

  1. In the company configuration
    Finance -> Accounts Payable -> Rounding
    This should be true

  2. Try matching a GL account for “Rounding”

we already enabled this setup but still its ends up with review journal.

Any rounding defined in the currency master ?
How many GL book you have ?

Currency Master also i set the tolerance and we have one book in the book also i mentioned the tolerance.

Could you check what is difference between the total of the line amount in AP invoice and Review general (4789.996).

Check the invoice line amount and GL distribution total in AP Invoice Entry.

No Variance shows @Arul because the debit and credit tally.

The error comes from a difference between APInvDtl amounts and APInvExp/APInvJob amounts depending on the type of line.

There are some other factors like non deductible taxes and advance payments but the basic formula seems to be:
Line Net = APInvDtl.DocExtCost + APInvDtl.DocTotalMiscChrg
Dist Total = Sum of APInvJob.DocExtCost or APInvExp.DocExpAmt (Depending on the type of line)

If these two amounts are different you get the above error.

Which ERP version are you using?


I see that in that version the amount comparison was made using base currency instead of document currency, there might be some rounding issues between the line net amount and the sum of related records.

I suggest you contact support to track this properly.

Go to the line and the GL Analysis tab. Change the currency to the Main book currency view. You will note a 1c discrepancy. Play with the decimals so there is no variance

You will also need to make sure there is no variance when you switch the currency back too