Do you have the QA module and if so, are you using the DMR process? This would be very easy to track with operational non-conformance. You can even tie in the Corrective Action process in Vantage to the DMRs. You would need to work on a business process work flow and custom reports but all the pieces are there.
--- In, "Butler, Bruce" <bbutler@...> wrote:
> I would like to start getting some traceability to the exact job &
> operation that caused an issue to be reworked. My basic approach is to
> reopen the offending job, and report the reworked quantity against that
> job. The idea is to pinpoint repeat problems and fix them.
> I don't think this will have an effect on captured and posted cost so
> long as the labor is reported and the job is re-closed during the
> current period. Being a standard cost environment, I don't see a
> problem with the dollars getting shifted to mfg variance after the job
> is closed.
> The only real problem I do see is working out the policy / procedure for
> getting the job to the person, and getting it reclosed.
> Thoughts?
> BButler
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]