I just loaded a new PC with Win 7 32 bit yesterday. I also loaded the
6.10 client just as I normally would on our XP Pro machines. It seems to
work just fine, although I have not put it through any rigorous
Maybe deleting the client and re-installing may help in your situation?
I know there have been several posts here in the past that talk about
getting the client to work. In my case I did not have to make any
changes to my process at all.
Hope this helps,
Dale Norris
IT Manager
Bullen Ultrasonics
>>> "rcw_williams" <rcw_williams@...> 10/4/2011 10:40 PM >>>
has anyone installed a Vantage 6x client on windows 7? We have a couple
of workstations running on windows 7 that were upgraded from xp after
the Vantage client was installed, but the client install reports errors
when installing on a true windows 7 workstation.
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