Did you re-opne the order and the line item. That is required for any
changes to a closed order/line.
Randy Weber
Epicor Consultant
Did you re-opne the order and the line item. That is required for any
changes to a closed order/line.
Randy Weber
Epicor Consultant
On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 2:03 PM, judyh001 <judyh001@...> wrote:
> We have a line on our sales order that was Not Firm, however, we did an
> advance billing against it and the customer paid.
> Now we're ready to mark the line as Firm but the checkbox is grayed out and
> not accesible.
> I'm not sure what we can do to fix it. If it wasn't for the advance billing
> I'd just enter a new line on the order and void the bad one.
> Sincerely,
> Judy Havlik
> Vantage 8.03.408
Randy Weber
(651) 263-1811
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