Sales Order "No Job" Freight cost

Hi All, hopefully someone can answer this. I’ve searched previous topics and Epicor User Manuals and can’t seem to find the solution I’m looking for.

We often have Sales Orders for non-stocked items that require no in-house manufacturing activity whatsoever as the part is a bought out complete from our supplier. In some cases, the goods will never enter our warehouse and instead be shipped directly to our customer. The goods are simply a pass through with a mark up on the purchased price.

Our Sales Order Entry guys regardless of whether there’s in-house activity or not, will mark this line item as “make direct” and tick the Job Type as “Manufactured” as opposed to “Buy To Order” and “No Job”. A job will be created and detailed with the information for the part required. A PO is then sent to our supplier based on the material line detailed in the job.

I’d prefer to use the “Buy To Order” and “No Job” option for something we’re not touching within our manufacturing facility but in the event that we, as opposed to our supplier is arranging the shipment, where can I capture the cost of the inbound freight charges?

I know we can use Misc Charges to capture the cost of freight if the supplier is shipping the goods on our behalf but what do we use if we have to make the freight arrangements ourselves at our cost?

I’d expect this is quite a common occurrence to other users too?

Any assistance would be appreciated.


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I guess we still use a header charge