SBS 4.5 & XP pro setup

Sorry, can't help with the specific question....but
try posting to the SBS Yahoo Group, or looking at the
following web resources.


Good luck,
John Mueske
Hiatt Manufacturing, Inc.

--- Dan Shallbetter <dans@...> wrote:
> Just setup a new XP pro client my first look at the
> OS. I have Vantage
> running on the machine, but when I try to add a
> network printer I have a
> conflict. Anyone been done this road yet? Is there a
> tech net article you
> could point me to?
> Thanks
> Dan Shallbetter
> States Electric Mfg.

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Just setup a new XP pro client my first look at the OS. I have Vantage
running on the machine, but when I try to add a network printer I have a
conflict. Anyone been done this road yet? Is there a tech net article you
could point me to?

Dan Shallbetter
States Electric Mfg.