Schedule Purchasing Constraint

Hello Friends!

We are trying to schedule a job earlier than March of next year, but when we try to schedule backwards to 10/12/2024 we get an error:

The job ##### is currently scheduled to finish 4/14/2025. It will not meet its required date of 10/12/2024 due to a purchasing constraint { 102532 / 1 / 1 } { 102532 / 2 / 1 }.

What could be the cause of the purchasing constraint on the related POs? The po lines in reference have a due date of 9/27/2024. Do the POs need to be confirmed?

Are those material POs or subcontract POs?

Look at the PO Release (not just the line) and make sure THAT due date is 9/27/2024… and if they are subcontract POs check the scheduled dates for the operations involved.

Thanks Ernie,

These are subcontract pos.

Subcontract operation on job:

PO Release:

Why is the subcon op scheduled to start on 4/11/25? Check to see if the schedule is locked for this job… if so unlock it (uncheck the Locked checkbox on the Job Entry > Details form), and see if you can MANUALLY reschedule it to the dates you want.

Side note… the Start and Due dates for the subcon op are the same… you don’t have a “days out” value for this op?

Thanks Ernie. I unchecked the locked and still cannot update the values. I unengineered and unreleased the job and removed it from the schedule and still cannot edit those. It seems these are not directly maintainable, and only updated via the scheduling process. I have the scheduling log file if you want to take a look at it, I cant make much sense of it :frowning:

Days Out:

Locked Schedule:

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You can’t update those manually… they are only updated by the scheduling process. When the job is Engineered and UNReleased (and the Locked checkbox is UNselected), click the Job Scheduling icon at the top of the Job Entry > Details screen:


choose your options, and click OK. Depending on how positive you are that this job can actually be done, you might want to UNcheck “Finite Capacity” and CHECK “Override Material Constraints”… but be VERY VERY careful doing those things as it could potentially make your production people VERY unhappy.

As I follow the exchanges, I’m not seeing anything related to the Subcontract that would cause it to schedule in April. Is it possible the delay is coming from a prior operation or potentially another material used? If you expand the Job on the Job Scheduling Board, what do you see?

In the log file I see the date getting progressivly pushed out:

hecking make direct material constraint for operation 10 material 70519G-WP-ExDL - 1-01 . --- Check_Mtl_LeadTimes
11:37:22                 Stocked  make direct operation 10 material 70519G-WP-ExDL - 1-01 is avail 3/25/2025 24.00  . --- Check_Mtl_LeadTimes
11:37:22                 Checking make direct material constraint for operation 10 material 70519G-WP-ExHL - 1-01 . --- Check_Mtl_LeadTimes
11:37:22                 Stocked  make direct operation 10 material 70519G-WP-ExHL - 1-01 is avail 3/25/2025 24.00  . --- Check_Mtl_LeadTimes
11:37:22                 Checking make direct material constraint for operation 10 material 70519G-WP-Ext - 01-01 . --- Check_Mtl_LeadTimes
11:37:22                 Stocked  make direct operation 10 material 70519G-WP-Ext - 01-01 is avail 3/25/2025 24.00  . --- Check_Mtl_LeadTimes
11:37:22                 Checking make direct material constraint for operation 10 material 70519G-WP-Ext - 02-01 . --- Check_Mtl_LeadTimes
11:37:22                 Stocked  make direct operation 10 material 70519G-WP-Ext - 02-01 is avail 3/25/2025 24.00  . --- Check_Mtl_LeadTimes
11:37:22                 Checking make direct material constraint for operation 10 material 70519G-WP-Ext - 10-01 . --- Check_Mtl_LeadTimes
11:37:22                 Stocked  make direct operation 10 material 70519G-WP-Ext - 10-01 is avail 3/25/2025 24.00  . --- Check_Mtl_LeadTimes
11:37:22                 Checking make direct material constraint for operation 10 material 70519G-WP-Ext - 24-01 . --- Check_Mtl_LeadTimes
11:37:22                 Stocked  make direct operation 10 material 70519G-WP-Ext - 24-01 is avail 3/25/2025 24.00  . --- Check_Mtl_LeadTimes
11:37:22                 Checking make direct material constraint for operation 10 material 70519G-3R - PERFORATED - 01-01 . --- Check_Mtl_LeadTimes
11:37:22                 Stocked  make direct operation 10 material 70519G-3R - PERFORATED - 01-01 is avail 3/25/2025 24.00  . --- Check_Mtl_LeadTimes
11:37:22                 Checking make direct material constraint for operation 10 material 70519G-LIFTING LUG - 04 SPECIAL-01 . --- Check_Mtl_LeadTimes
11:37:22                 Stocked  make direct operation 10 material 70519G-LIFTING LUG - 04 SPECIAL-01 is avail 3/25/2025 24.00  . --- Check_Mtl_LeadTimes

Your original question:

Are the parts on that PO the part numbers in the log file? If so, then they are components in another manufactured assembly that won’t be finished in the time frame you need in order to USE that manufactured assembly in this final upper level assembly. That’s what the message (probably) means.

Two ways around this. First, you can ignore what Epicor says and just do whatever you need to do. If this was for something happening this week or next week, I’d recommend it. Just because Epicor is giving you this estimate doesn’t mean you have to take it as gospel.

Second, if you KNOW you will be able to have what you need to build the final piece when you say, you can reschedule THIS job with “Override Material Constraints” SELECTED and “Finite Scheduling” UNSELECTED, either scheduling Forward from whenever you want to start the job OR Backward from whenever you want to finish it.

Epicor is giving you the information it has based on the constraints you’ve programmed in. Unlike your typical teenager, it’s doing EXACTLY what you asked it.


Thanks Ernie,

We just went ahead and scheduled ignoring material constraints. I think the original information message presented has nothing to do with the PO, but rather material constraints that keep pushing this job out further and further.

Thank you all for your insights in this matter! The scheduling module is one area I’m not too familiar with.

Kind Regards,
Jeff Gehling

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