Scheduling Log Blank Title 92602

I have some problems with the scheduling and I found something very
strange in the log.

Here's my setup :

- I have only 4 jobs in the schedule

- Every job have the same part (same routing).

- My calendar for each resource 24/7 (20h/day)

- I have only 4 resources to schedule

- No material (to keep it simple)

- Same priority code for each job

I have done this schedule in MSP and everything's good and now I try to
do it in Vantage (I know that the results could be differents) and the
system puts out many conflicts, the schedule goes wrong...

Here is the log (See the bold text to found what I'm talking about):


Processing - Job:RICH-01, Assembly: 0, Operation:0.

Passed StartDate - 10/07/10, Passed StartHour: 0.

Passed DueDate - 10/07/10, Passed DueHour: 0.

Global Finite horz .. 0

Company - MAR01, JobNum: RICH-01 AssemblySeq 0.

Scheduling in past is not allowed - no 08/11/10.

Scheduling code SB

Changed DueDate to: 10/07/10 for 0 days of receive time for TEST-RICH

Scheduling Block - Alloc: 1 Prod: 300 Split 300 Ops: 1 SDt: 10/07/10
SHr: 24 EDt: 10/07/10 EHr: 24 Setup Time 0.

Scheduling Job RICH-01 Assem: 0 Operation: 40 il_OprBackward yes

Updating Operation Master Calendar

Backward Scheduling - RICH-01 0 40 10 - B times of 0 300 .

Backward Scheduling - Job RICH-01 Asm 0 Opr 40 OpDtl 10 AllocationBlock
- 1 For: Enddate - 10/07/10 EndHour - 24.

Scheduling MAC006 for a time of 1080000 (300h) with setup of 0 0 .

Making production calendar HOR-5/4 for Resource: MAC006.

Making setup calendar HOR-5/4 for Resource: MAC006.

Backward Scheduling MAC006 for a time of 1080000 for 10/07/10 StartTime
86400 IP-ProcTime 86400.

Backward scheduling inputs resource MAC006 TimeBlock 1080000 Passdate

Backward scheduling inputs ProcTime 86400 MoveTime 0 qproctime 86400

Backward scheduling inputs resource MAC006 TimeBlock 1080000 Passdate

Backward scheduling inputs ProcTime 86400 MoveTime 0

Backward scheduling inputs resource MAC006 IP-TimeBlock 1080000
IP-ProcDate 10/07/10

Backward scheduling inputs IP-ProcTime 86400 IP-MoveTime 0

lBuiltJobTempTables: no.

Caching Resource: MAC006 MAC-GM.

Finitely scheduling MAC006 FiniteHorizonDate 08/10/12 ScheduleDate

ScheduleDate for MAC006 time: 10/07/10 86400

Scheduling for MAC006 time: ScheduleDate 10/07/10 FirstProdHour 0
LastProdHour 20

ScheduleDate for MAC006 time: 10/05/10 53244

Scheduling for MAC006 time: ScheduleDate 10/05/10 FirstProdHour 0
LastProdHour 14.79

ScheduleDate for MAC006 time: 09/30/10 67500

Scheduling for MAC006 time: ScheduleDate 09/30/10 FirstProdHour 0
LastProdHour 18.75

Found conflict for MAC006 time: 09/30/10 67500 (but there's no loading

Next testing time for MAC006 time: 09/08/10 28800

ScheduleDate for MAC006 time: 09/08/10 28800

Scheduling for MAC006 time: ScheduleDate 09/08/10 FirstProdHour 0
LastProdHour 8

ScheduleDate for MAC006 time: 08/25/10 44460

Scheduling for MAC006 time: ScheduleDate 08/25/10 FirstProdHour 0
LastProdHour 12.35

Found conflict for MAC006 time: 08/25/10 44460

Next testing time for MAC006 time: 08/22/10 19260

ScheduleDate for MAC006 time: 08/22/10 19260

Scheduling for MAC006 time: ScheduleDate 08/22/10 FirstProdHour 0
LastProdHour 5.35

Bouncing because 08/10/10 is before scheduling start date 08/11/10

Bouncing because 08/10/10 is before scheduling start date 08/11/10

Bouncing Foreward to: 08/11/10

Scheduling code SF

Scheduling Block - Alloc: 1 Prod: 200 Split 200 Ops: 1 SDt: 08/11/10
SHr: 0 EDt: 08/11/10 EHr: 0 Setup Time 0.

Scheduling Job RICH-01 Assem: 0 Operation: 10 il_OprBackward no
(priority codes are backward ?)

Updating Operation Master Calendar

Forward Scheduling - RICH-01 0 10 10 - B time of 0.

Forward Scheduling ic_action - Job.

Foreward Scheduling - RICH-01 0 10 10 AllocationBlock - 1 For: StartDate
- 08/11/10 StartHour - 0 B.

Scheduling MAC096 for a time of 720000 with setup of 0 0 .

Making production calendar HOR-5/4 for Resource: MAC096.

Making setup calendar HOR-5/4 for Resource: MAC096.

IN getForwardDateTime MAC096 time: 08/11/10 0 0

Forward looking for MAC096 time: 08/11/10 0

Infinitely scheduling resource MAC096 FiniteHorizonDate 08/11/10
ScheduleStartDate 08/11/10

Do while True MAC096 time: 08/11/10 0 0

OP-ZeroHourStartTime 497736

Scheduled MAC096 for a time of 720000 for 08/11/10 0 .

First available time for : MAC096 08/11/10 0 08/20/10 72000 optime
720000 08/20/10 20.

**2Chose Resource - MAC096 Time: Start Date 08/11/10, Start Time 0, End
Date 08/20/10, End Time 72000 Que Date 08/11/10 Que Time 0 Move Date
08/20/10 Move Time 20.

Consolidating oper cal with resource MAC096

Updating Operation Master Calendar

Scheduled Operation 10 for Queue: Dt 08/11/10 Hr 0 Start: Dt 08/11/10 Hr
0 end: 08/20/10 20 move: 08/20/10 20

Scheduling Block - Alloc: 1 Prod: 80 Split 80 Ops: 1 SDt: 08/20/10 SHr:
20 EDt: 08/20/10 EHr: 20 Setup Time 0.

Scheduling Job RICH-01 Assem: 0 Operation: 20 il_OprBackward no

Updating Operation Master Calendar

Forward Scheduling - RICH-01 0 20 10 - B time of 0.

Forward Scheduling ic_action - Job.

Foreward Scheduling - RICH-01 0 20 10 AllocationBlock - 1 For: StartDate
- 08/20/10 StartHour - 20 B.

Scheduling MAC018 for a time of 288000 with setup of 0 0 .

Making production calendar HOR-5/4 for Resource: MAC018.

Making setup calendar HOR-5/4 for Resource: MAC018.

Changed Scheduled start time to : 72000 from 72000.

IN getForwardDateTime MAC018 time: 08/20/10 72000 0

Forward looking for MAC018 time: 08/20/10 72000

lBuiltJobTempTables: yes.

Caching Resource: MAC018 MAC-GM.

Finitely scheduling resource MAC018 FiniteHorizonDate 08/10/12
ScheduleStartDate 08/20/10

Do while True MAC018 time: 08/20/10 72000 0

OP-ZeroHourStartTime 497972

Testing1 MAC018 time: 08/20/10 72000 497972

Found conflict for MAC018 time: 08/20/10 72000 497972 498254.00028 20
10 1 1

Found conflict for MAC018 time: 08/20/10 72000

Now trying MAC018 time: 09/10/10 50401 0

Now trying2 MAC018 time: 09/10/10 50401

Do while True MAC018 time: 09/10/10 50401 498470.00028

OP-ZeroHourStartTime 498470.00028

Testing1 MAC018 time: 09/10/10 50401 498470.00028

Not Found MAC018 time: 09/10/10 50401 498470.00028

getNextRsrceOpenDateTime NxtTotalTime 669599 3600 288000

Scheduled MAC018 for a time of 288000 for 09/10/10 50401 .

First available time for : MAC018 09/10/10 50401 09/14/10 46801 optime
288000 09/14/10 13.0002777778.

**2Chose Resource - MAC018 Time: Start Date 09/10/10, Start Time 50401,
End Date 09/14/10, End Time 46801 Que Date 09/10/10 Que Time
14.0002777778 Move Date 09/14/10 Move Time 13.0002777778.

Consolidating oper cal with resource MAC018

Updating Operation Master Calendar

Scheduled Operation 20 for Queue: Dt 09/10/10 Hr 14 Start: Dt 09/10/10
Hr 14 end: 09/14/10 13 move: 09/14/10 13


I have nothing on my schedule except these 4 jobs, I don't know why the
system founds conflicts or does not found avaibility...

Maybe somebody could help me to find the trouble.



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