Scheduling WIP jobs to be on the same operation

We have a customer that wants us to produce Product A. During the manufacturing process Product A needs to go through heat treat operation. Product A is serial tracked and the raw material used is lot tracked from receipt from supplier. The customer is requiring that a Tensile Bar (Product B) which must be from the same original raw material lot as Product A and is on another job, must go through the same heat treat operation (the 2 jobs must be combined in the same furnace load). Both of these jobs would be in WIP at the same time. Product B would not be in stock.

We do not do Make to Order/Make Direct but Make to Stock. We could do a Make Direct for this, but it still will not solve our same furnace load issue to bring the two WIP jobs together for the heat treat operation and be scheduled to run together.

In trying to test Batch job to see if this would solve our issue, the Batch checkbox was not enabled, so assuming that because our finished good part is serialized, that is causing further complexity.

Has anyone done anything similar to this and have recommendations of how to proceed

I have am working with a similar issue with painting parts that are on different jobs.

I created a part that is a manunfactured part, unit of measure class of Area (heat treat could be pounds), Non-Stock do drive make direct, and a Revision with two operations - first one Subcontract and second one recieve subcontract with auto receipt checked.

I placed this material on the BOM of all of the jobs that will be run at the same time with the SqFeet (lbs for heat treat) that will be painted. It is not a subassemly, but a material that is make direct.

Going into the planning work bench I find the demand for the part and create a job using related job to keep it grouped. For the other demands, go into the Job Manager and using the Link function, the demand links are all created to the one job.

I update the cost per SF on the subcontract operation which will prorate the cost from the supplier to each job.
Process the job, pull the material to ship. Receive it a week later. Add a labor record for the the receipt operation on the job with the quantity of the job applying the subcontact costs to each child job.
Note that lot tracking could be implemented on this too if needed showing that the parts all have the same heat treat process applied to them.