Having a weird situation where user would be working in an application and all of a sudden the main menu screen and that application would flip back and forth constantly bringing the main menu to the front/back repeatedly until it stop then user can work again or end up closing the application. Any ideas on what’s going on?
Gonna throw out the obvious here… but are you sure their keyboard isn’t getting jammed in some fashion on the tray? (If they have a tray)…
or they don’t have a bad defective / sticky keyboard?
I was called once to fix an unbearable Beeping problem on a customer I would walk in the room and the beeping would stop… I would leave and then get called back… lather rinse repeat…
Turns out when I walked in the room the lady would turn towards me and move her chair just enough to stop smashing the keyboard against the bottom of her Desk Tray…
If you’re referring to window layering, there’s a lot of odd times that Epicor seems to make the main menu the active window for no reason, and I’ve found the best advice is to minimize the main menu after launching your form. Have you tried this?
Thanks both for the suggestion. It’s happening to 4 people so don’t think it’s a keyboard issue. Will try minimizing the main menu screen and see if it happens again. Just odd that people would be in a screen doing something and all of a sudden the main screen and the screen they’re working in just flash front/back repeatedly and there’s nothing the user can do other than wait for it to stop.
Hi @changchai,
Have you done a search online for this issue? What version of Windows are you running? Here is a link that I hope might help lead you on a path to fixing this:
Putting on my technician hat! Are the 4 people using the same type of computer? Do they have a similar video driver? Is the monitors the same? Do you have a driver problem with the video card? Are the keyboards the same? Have you tried to troubleshoot any of the hardware variables first. If it is related to their Epicor user account settings, or cached files, have they logged into another machine of a different type to see if the problem follows them. Keep us posted.
Thanks everyone for the input. All these users are still on Windows 7. However, they were all on Skype doing training. So might be related to the Skype session. I checked with one user today and he said that he had not gotten any issue like that since his last Skype session.