Screen Modification

Your request seems to say your users want to
generate the traveler, not look at an existing
traveler. If that is the case, here is how to
populate the Context menu with the Job Traveler print utility.

In Vantage 8.03.409C

System Management/Utilities/Context menu Maintenance

With Context menu Maintenance utility open,
choose "Context menu ID" = "JobHead.JobNum"

Add "New Context menu item"

Name the new item such as "Traveler"

Select "Process ID" = "Job Traveler" (JCRP4008)


Restart Vantage (not at the server)

In order Entry (or any Job number field) at the
Make Direct Job use the context menu to open up
the traveler printing menu. Unfortunately it
does not auto-populate the job number in the
filter. If you copied the job number from the
make-direct field, paste it into the job filter
search criteria to limit the output to that one job.

Bob Carlson

At 10:53 AM 2/8/2011, you wrote:
>Our users are requesting to be able to launch
>the Job Traveler from the Order Entry screen.
>Does anyone know if it is possible to add the
>Job Traveler report to the Actions menu in Order
>Entry? If not, has anyone added a button to the
>screen that could launch a report?
>Thank you,
>Lauren Hellings
>Business Analyst
>Office: 281-207-0667 x26
>Cell: 832-472-1736
>Fax: 281-207-0672
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Robert (Bob) Carlson
Mobile: 603-883-8093

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Our users are requesting to be able to launch the Job Traveler from the Order Entry screen. Does anyone know if it is possible to add the Job Traveler report to the Actions menu in Order Entry? If not, has anyone added a button to the screen that could launch a report?

Thank you,

Lauren Hellings
Business Analyst
Office: 281-207-0667 x26
Cell: 832-472-1736
Fax: 281-207-0672
email: lauren.hellings@...<mailto:lauren.hellings@...><>

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The information contained in this message may be privileged and confidential, and is intended solely for the use of the named addressee. No other person is authorized to access, copy or re-use this message (or any information contained herein). If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us immediately by replying to this message and delete it from your computer.

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