Has anyone developed On-Prem scripting to setup a complete Epicor environment? My end goal is to take mostly vanilla Windows servers and fully setup Epicor 10. I’m not going to write that all on my 1st try, but I am curious what others have done already.
Are there features that can’t be scripted and I shouldn’t waste my time on?
We are 100 users and use 1 SQL and 3 App servers (interactive, reporting, integrations)
In a perfect world the script would:
Install SQL Server on correct drives
Configure full text & needed flags
Install SSRS
Copy and attach Epicor10 DB
App servers:
Config Check / Check for .Net
Install Admin Console
Setup DB management
Register DB
Install App server
Different XML for each app server for needed extensions, SSO, etc…
Install Task Agent on App1
Migrate SSRS reports
Migrate Epcior10 DB
Regen Data Model
Install Enterprise Search
Run 1st login conversions
Set System Agent settings
Set Company settings for Prod or Test environments
I would suggest moving the very last item on the list to be the very first item on the list, so you can have it as you’re watching the action take place.
According to @Bart_Elia there is powershell support for all / most of these tasks… I wonder if those sample scripts can be placed somewhere online? Github for us to play with?
Does anyone know of a way to script the install of the Base Install & Admin Console?
The Epicor Command Line Tools Guide for 10.2.300 says to start by installing the “Epicor Administration Console” and I assume the are referring to the base setup RL10.2.300.0.exe
I would like to be able to pass parameters or a config file to set what is installed, and the install location but I can’t find any documentation.
So admin console can be installed from (your own path)
They even have a silent install script
cd "E:\Epicor\ERP10\ERP10.2.300.0\SupplementalInstalls\Administration"
call "E:\Epicor\ERP10\ERP10.2.300.0\SupplementalInstalls\Administration\AdminConsole.msi" /quiet /log "E:\Epicor\ERP10\ERP10.2.300.0\SupplementalInstalls\Administration\AdminConsoleInstall.log"