Search for subassembly by part or subassembly number

Just an FYI so we are clear. You would set up the BAQ and the Quick Search. After the Quick Search is set up, your users would just click on the Job button, bring up the search screen, select the Quick Search you set up, click search and then enter the Job number and ASM seq number and click search and ..... well what I wrote before covers the rest.

key field for the JobAsmbl table..... not sure the AssemblySeq ALONE is the key field. It seems that (as with other db systems) Vantage derives many of it's key's from several fields. So, for example, the JobAsmbl unique key would be the combination of Company,JobNum & AsmSeq. But like I said, not sure how JobAsmbl is set up. The Data Dictionary in Vantage may help you here.

--- In, "eivantage" <KYLEJ@...> wrote:
> Wow... I really appreciate the fact that you took the time to come up with that. You did teach me a few things in there, but I can't tell my users to do this... there would be mutiny just explaining it to them!
> As to the other question, these are assembly sequence numbers, as in the JobAsmbl.AssemblySeq integer field. I guess you would call this field the key field for that table.
In Vantage 6 Job Entry, it was always frustrating to be able to search by part
number but not by assembly/subassembly sequence number. Our planners would have
an assembly number and job number on a print, and they would have to find it in
the tree view of the job in order to set up routing/planning. Sometimes the
part number was long and tedious to type in for this search within the job,
which is why it was frustrating to not be able to type in the assembly number
instead of the part number. Also, sometimes there are multiple instances of the
part number within the job, and they would have to be careful to keep searching
until they found the assembly they were supposed to be planning.

Now, in Vantage 8, there is no longer a way to search within the current job for
a specific assembly OR for a part number.

I was hoping that, with the extended customization available, I would be able to
extend the search to be by part number or assembly sequence... I didn't expect
to lose the ability to search in the stock form.

A quick look doesn't show any cool treeview methods. Would anyone out there
have an idea how to create a search function that would expand the treeview to a
specific subassembly/assembly once found and open it in the assembly tab of Job Entry?

The navigator for subassemblies will only find a specific sequence number if it
is directly below the current assembly (a first-level child of the assembly
currently selected).
In 8.03 you can search in Job Tracker for an Assembly Part Number.
In Job Tracker, right click on ASM 0 on the tree view and you will see an option "Find Assembly part" select this option and a dialog box will pop up for you to enter the Assembly Part Number you are looking for.
As for searching a job traveler by the Assembly Seq. I do not know of any way to do that.


--- In, "eivantage" <KYLEJ@...> wrote:
> In Vantage 6 Job Entry, it was always frustrating to be able to search by part
> number but not by assembly/subassembly sequence number. Our planners would have
> an assembly number and job number on a print, and they would have to find it in
> the tree view of the job in order to set up routing/planning. Sometimes the
> part number was long and tedious to type in for this search within the job,
> which is why it was frustrating to not be able to type in the assembly number
> instead of the part number. Also, sometimes there are multiple instances of the
> part number within the job, and they would have to be careful to keep searching
> until they found the assembly they were supposed to be planning.
> Now, in Vantage 8, there is no longer a way to search within the current job for
> a specific assembly OR for a part number.
> I was hoping that, with the extended customization available, I would be able to
> extend the search to be by part number or assembly sequence... I didn't expect
> to lose the ability to search in the stock form.
> A quick look doesn't show any cool treeview methods. Would anyone out there
> have an idea how to create a search function that would expand the treeview to a
> specific subassembly/assembly once found and open it in the assembly tab of Job Entry?
> The navigator for subassemblies will only find a specific sequence number if it
> is directly below the current assembly (a first-level child of the assembly
> currently selected).
That doesn't help since we are trying to edit the assembly, and the tracker is just for viewing. However, the same function is in the treeview of job entry, so we at least have back the same, albeit incomplete, feature as Vantage 6.

Now, I need to figure out how to make that search assembly sequence numbers...

Thanks for the reply! If anyone else has ideas on how to further the search function within the job entry treeview, please let us know.
Are we talking actual sequence numbers or Bubble numbers?

Charlie Smith

Smith Business Services / 2W Technologies LLC <> /

From: [] On Behalf
Of eivantage
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 3:17 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: search for subassembly by part or subassembly

That doesn't help since we are trying to edit the assembly, and the
tracker is just for viewing. However, the same function is in the
treeview of job entry, so we at least have back the same, albeit
incomplete, feature as Vantage 6.

Now, I need to figure out how to make that search assembly sequence

Thanks for the reply! If anyone else has ideas on how to further the
search function within the job entry treeview, please let us know.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Haven't tried it, but I think the following could work:
Create a BAQ on the JobAsmbl (sp?) table to return the JobNum and AsmSeq and the AsmPartNum and whatever else, but at least those two.
Check the Share checkbox on the BAQ.
Then setup a Quick Search on the JobNum field (right click on the JobNum field to get to the quicksearch entry screen). Setup the criteria there to include JobNum, ASM Seq and whatever else.
After you have that setup right save it and open Job Entry back up.
Click on the Search or the Job button to bring up your search. Select the Quick Search tab and highlight the Quick Search you just made and click search. A new search form will open prompting you for a Job Num and ASM Seq. YOU MUST ENTER BOTH or you'll get a ton of meaningless results. Enter the Job number and AsmSeq in question and click search, this will return the Job Number, AsmSeq that you looked for and the Asm Part Number, copy that part number to your clipboard and double click on the row that has the job you want to view. Then right clik on ASM 0 and select "Find Assembly Part," right click and paste the part number you copied from the search results and it should take you straight to the ASM Seq that was in the results, if the part exists twice in the job, I think you can do the search again to find the next one.... not so sure about that.
It's cludgy, but short of a customization, which probably IS VERY possible or Epicor adding the feature, it's the best I've come up with so far.


--- In, "eivantage" <KYLEJ@...> wrote:
> That doesn't help since we are trying to edit the assembly, and the tracker is just for viewing. However, the same function is in the treeview of job entry, so we at least have back the same, albeit incomplete, feature as Vantage 6.
> Now, I need to figure out how to make that search assembly sequence numbers...
> Thanks for the reply! If anyone else has ideas on how to further the search function within the job entry treeview, please let us know.
Wow... I really appreciate the fact that you took the time to come up with that. You did teach me a few things in there, but I can't tell my users to do this... there would be mutiny just explaining it to them!

As to the other question, these are assembly sequence numbers, as in the JobAsmbl.AssemblySeq integer field. I guess you would call this field the key field for that table.
> Are we talking actual sequence numbers or Bubble numbers?

Just an FYI for E9 users, the Bubble Number is now called the Find
Number and the field name changed and not just the field label on

Mark W.