Server drive configuration

How many users are you supporting with this configuration?


From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 4:43 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: server drive configuration

Almost everybody on the group here will advocate the Raid 10 setup.

We use raid10 on production server

my test server has a raid 1 pair for server 2008R2 OS
I have a 4 drive raid 10 for the application files and work directory and a
14 drive raid 10 array for the databases - It sure is fun watching the raid
controller max out when restoring a backup from one array to the other :o)

--- In <> ,
"greg.middleton11" <greg.middleton@...> wrote:
> Working on a server configuration for E9.05 and Epicor is recommending a
RAID 10 configuration with a minimum of 6 drives. This would be for Progress
OpenEdge. Epicor says this will be critical to get the performance we want.
Can anybody verify that they are using this configuration or something

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Working on a server configuration for E9.05 and Epicor is recommending a RAID 10 configuration with a minimum of 6 drives. This would be for Progress OpenEdge. Epicor says this will be critical to get the performance we want. Can anybody verify that they are using this configuration or something similar?
RAID 10 is a must, IMHO.

I normally setup 2 - 4 drive RAID10s and split that database across the
two but I can certainly see 6 drives delivering better performance.

From: [] On Behalf
Of greg.middleton11
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 3:08 PM
Subject: [Vantage] server drive configuration

Working on a server configuration for E9.05 and Epicor is recommending a
RAID 10 configuration with a minimum of 6 drives. This would be for
Progress OpenEdge. Epicor says this will be critical to get the
performance we want. Can anybody verify that they are using this
configuration or something similar?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Almost everybody on the group here will advocate the Raid 10 setup.

We use raid10 on production server

my test server has a raid 1 pair for server 2008R2 OS
I have a 4 drive raid 10 for the application files and work directory and a 14 drive raid 10 array for the databases - It sure is fun watching the raid controller max out when restoring a backup from one array to the other :o)

--- In, "greg.middleton11" <greg.middleton@...> wrote:
> Working on a server configuration for E9.05 and Epicor is recommending a RAID 10 configuration with a minimum of 6 drives. This would be for Progress OpenEdge. Epicor says this will be critical to get the performance we want. Can anybody verify that they are using this configuration or something similar?