Service Connect Email

Hey everyone. I was wondering if anyone was aware of a way to email a spreadsheet with data gathered by SC out of a Poster in a Work Flow. The idea I had was this particular workflow I've been working on all week automatically updates a sales order entry from a particularly customer based on a txt file they send to a mailbox. The SC checks to see if the part number is valid and if that is valid it checks the unit price. It will still update the order entry form, even if invalid data is given, which is fine since we have a user who has to physically click the confirm button. What I am doing is trying to give her a good way to look at the invalid information so she can correct it. For instance I would LOVE to be able to produce a report from the SC that says for instance Order Number "abc" has an invalid part number of "1234" on PO line 3. Now note that some submissions may have several sales orders on them and it is best that she only gets one email notification. Right now I can get complex links in the email template to sort of work, but they seem to only display the first line of the submission and not all of the other part numbers, prices, etc. Is there anyway at all to do this, or is this all wishful thinking.....