Service Connect Errors

Hello everyone,

I need to pick some brains about a request. If I build a Service Connect Solution, I know when my SC solution fails to create a record, an error will appear in the Error log. The challenge is, my users don’t want to check the log in the SC Admin console, they want it as a report.

Can you build a report from this log? My first thought was to make the workflow pass the errors to an Epicor UDTable and have the report hit that UDTable to show the errors, but if there’s a way the report can go straight to the SC error log i’d like to do that instead as it sounds more streamlined to me. I’m pretty sure making SC build records in a UDTable is the only way to go for this, but I wanted to see what the group has to say.

Thank you all!

Why not send the error to a poster and have the poster send an email….


Make error checking a part of your SC workflow,
Node -> Call Epicor DLL -> Check Error -> IF Error -> Send Email / Create UD Record etc…-> Otherwise -> Next Node… etc.

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True, that makes sense. So each time something fails, “Group A” is emailed the error, is that right?

I assume from your answers neither of you think a report could gather the error logs, unless they were pushed to a UDTable ya?

You could tap into the SC DB but I dont recommend it

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No, definitely want to avoid going that far. Well guys thanks for your input, we’ll see where this goes.