Set label text from event

Can anyone tell me how I could set the text of a label from with in an event please.


First, give your label an EpBinding.

Next, create a new event. My example is on button click. Add a row-update widget and update the value of the EpBinding on the label.

*** I did not do this in the example, but if you want the value of the label to stay changed permanently, you will need to add a rest-erp widget after the row-update in order to save it to the DB.

That’s great many thanks.

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Do you know how I could make a shape become visible and not from an event please?

What event would you be trying to hook into to make it hide or show?
Setting the visibility is usually done via Row Rules.

That’s great thanks.

Turns out you can do this with an event if you would like, but it will have to be done on version 2021.1.12 or greater as there’s a bug in the current version where the property-set tool does not work on custom controls. Works on native ones, though.


Great, I will give that a try. Many thanks.