We are on Progress DB, So Blakes answer worked for us.
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, Robert Carlson <rcarlson@...> wrote:
> We have the same problem...believe the word from
> Support was that it "doesn't work with SQL Db"
> (thats us). Ended up setting individual
> schedules and putting things into each
> schedule....cumbersome but once done, it works.
> At 11:54 AM 4/16/2010, you wrote:
> >
> >
> >Hi All,
> >
> >I am trying to set up a schedule to fire off a process every ten minutes.
> >In system agent maintenance, I added the
> >schedule with the following settings:
> >schedule type: Interval
> >Innterval: 1000
> >
> >enable it.
> >
> >but it never fires off. (runs)
> >
> >is there something I am missing?
> >
> >I even tried restating the task agent, did not make any difference..
> >
> >I have three tasks attanched to the scheduel none of them run,
> >
> >Dynamic Query export,
> >A schedule process set
> >& A BAQ Report (I just wanted to see if iit would fire this report off).
> >
> >If I manually run the process, (Dymanic Query
> >export) or the BAGQ report, they run fine...
> >
> >Any thoughts on what I am missing?
> >
> >Thanks
> >Andy
> >
> >
> Robert (Bob) Carlson
> rcarlson@...
> Mobile: 603-883-8093
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]