Ship Via not reflected on SO Picklist


We have a sales order where the ship via was changed from ground to air at about 1:00 pm according to the change log. The sales order picklist was printed at about 3:00pm. The picklist still had ground as the ship via.

We print the date/time on the sales order picklist and track ship via changes in the change log specifically to audit such things, since it is possible that sales makes a change after shipping had printed a picklist.

I can clearly see the SO change log from ground to air precedes the printing of the picklist, yet the picklist still showed ground.

Further, I happened to have a test copy of the db just before the changes and shipment were made. I tried to recreate the problem and could not. I ran a picklist before, then changed the ship via on the header, which propagated to the releases. Then I printed the picklist and the new air ship via was there.

Note: All of the shipto locations are the same on all releases and on the header. Currently, though the release is closed, the Ship Via is air as expected, and there are no change log entries after the shipment.

What gives? I am baffled. I have no explanation for my sales people who worry that they have to call shipping every time they make a change.

Has anybody else seen this happen?

thanks in advance

randy weber