You have to bear with me on this one, I am not a purchasing person so I don’t use these screens a lot. Our purchaser just showed me an issue when creating new POs. He starts the PO, enters a vendor, then enters the due date. At this point he gets a popup asking to populate the ship via (if the vendor did not have one setup). Normally he can just choose one and go on, but it keeps popping that error and never lets him enter the ship via. There might be a lot more behind this, but this is the start. Does it ring any bells for yall?
Thanks for your time!
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As far as I know you should always have a default Ship VIA populate even if you don’t have one set for the supplier. You have to have a system default in Ship VIA Maintenance.
e: no you don’t. You can have no system default
Maybe you have a BPM doing something to it?
e2: I turned off the system default and tried creating a new PO and I am having a hard time replicating what you are describing.