Shipping package to Mexico

We use Epicor 10.2.6 … We are getting this Manifest system message for a shipment to Mexico
“Hard 121984A package in a Mexico shipment must have a Merchandise Description” This appears to be a UPS related message pertaining to some regulations enacted by Mexico (courtesy of Google). My question to the group is Where do I enter this “package description”? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

I also googled and this was just put in place in march of 2023, so you will need to ask QS support what versions they added this into.

Thanks Greg. We usually do not get into Quick Ship at all. It runs in the background.

Yeah we ran into this exact issue last year. Quickship needs to be updated to include the container type i.e. box. We are now on version 2023.1.2, but looks like we need to upgrade again (2023.2.2) for a different quickship/ups error.


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