Shipping Performance in 4.0

Thanks to Mark Pladson at Epicor for the following suggestion. I really
appreciate the support given to me on this issue. I'm still checking the
total accuracy but so far my Vantage on-time delivery has skyrocketed with
this fix. I'm submitting it to the group if anyone is interested.

Brian Basler
E.J. Basler Co.

In the shipping performance Export Query section replace the entire query
with this:

for each ShipHead Where ShipHead.Company = cur-comp
and ShipHead.ShipDate >= BeginDate() and
ShipHead.ShipDate <= EndDate() no-lock,
each ShipDtl Where ShipDtl.Company = ShipHead.Company
and ShipDtl.PackNum = ShipHead.PackNum no-lock,
each Part outer-join Where Part.Company = ShipDtl.Company
and Part.PartNum = ShipDtl.PartNum no-lock,
each OrderRel Where OrderRel.Company = ShipDtl.Company
and OrderRel.OrderNum = ShipDtl.OrderNum
and OrderRel.OrderLine = ShipDtl.OrderLine
and OrderRel.OrderRelNum = ShipDtl.OrderRelNum no-lock,
each OrderDtl Where OrderDtl.Company = OrderRel.Company
and OrderDtl.OrderNum = OrderRel.OrderNum
and OrderDtl.OrderLine = OrderRel.OrderLine no-lock,
each OrderHed Where OrderHed.Company = OrderDtl.Company
and OrderHed.OrderNum = OrderDtl.OrderNum no-lock,
first Customer no-lock
where Customer.Company = CUR-COMP and
Customer.CustNum = OrderHed.CustNum:

On the fields tab section -

Replace line with Fact early shipments with:

(if DaysLate(OrderRel.ReqDate,ShipHead.ShipDate) < -5 then 1 else 0) format
"->>>,>>9" column-label "Fact Early Shipments"

Replace the Line that has Fact On time shipments with:

(if (DaysLate(OrderRel.ReqDate,ShipHead.ShipDate) >= -5 and
DaysLate(OrderRel.ReqDate,ShipHead.ShipDate) <= 0) then 1 else 0) format
"->>>,>>9" column-label "Fact On Time Shipments"

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Basler [mailto:brian@...]
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 1:18 PM
To: ''
Subject: [Vantage] Shipping Performance in 4.0

Has anyone modified the default Shipping Performance export query in 4.0?
In 3.0 on time shipping performance counted dates before and on the ship
date as on-time. In 4.0 parts shipped before the ship date are not
considered on-time.

If anyone has modified the export query to mimic the same logic as 3.0 could
you please e-mail it to me or post it in egroups? Thanks for your help.

Brian Basler
E.J. Basler Co.

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Has anyone modified the default Shipping Performance export query in 4.0?
In 3.0 on time shipping performance counted dates before and on the ship
date as on-time. In 4.0 parts shipped before the ship date are not
considered on-time.

If anyone has modified the export query to mimic the same logic as 3.0 could
you please e-mail it to me or post it in egroups? Thanks for your help.

Brian Basler
E.J. Basler Co.