The Job pick list will not include issued materials, but you could add the Job Materials table with a criteria of issued and then they would show on the report with some modifications.
That would be my best solution.
Otherwise I would buy to stock with the primary location being the staging area and then issue the materials when retrieved.
Charlie Smith
Cell: 860-919-1708
Office: 817-862-9862
From: []
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2015 9:25 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Showing issued materials on Job Pick List
Does anyone know a way to have the Job Pick List show purchased materials that have already been issued? On every job we have materials that are purchase direct. When those materials are received they are marked issued. However, physically we store them in a job "staging" area until we are ready to start working on that particular job. We need the Job Pick List to show these materials so the handler knows to pull them from the staging area. I thought doing this would be as easy as going to the report data definition and removing a criteria that is excluding issued materials. However, I cannot find any critieria in the data definition that's excluding them. But it's clear that they are being excluded in the XML that's generated. We are checking the "include purchased materials" box when running the report. The purchased materials show if they are not issued (received). They do not show if they are issued (received). Which to me is backwards. Appreciate any advice/help anyone can give. Thanks!