Single cust Price list assigned to multiple customers with differing expiration dates

From what I’ve discerned I think this isn’t possible but reaching out to see. Our sales group wants to establish a price list good for say the first six months of our relationship with them. I can apply a price list but it doesn’t permit overriding the effective date range at the customer level so it requires tracking all the new customers and manually removing the price list after it is no longer in effect. I looked at using the discount price list but it works the same. Am I missing something anywhere which would permit this to be handled automagically? I could construct a BPM to remove the price list at a certain point in time but if it’s supported with std I don’t want to go down that road. Any suggestions???

Yes you could as long as they were in the proper order.
The price lists well be applied based on the order in which they appear and at different hierarchical levels.
Ship To > Customer > Cust Group
The price lists themselves have effective dates also.

All that being said you could simply duplicate the ‘Discount list’ and setting appropriate start and end dates (6 mos time frame) and apply only to that customer. The list will go out and use the regular pricing after that first 6 mos.

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