I have a part that is mfg at one site but the forecast is loaded and shipped from another site. The Site we ship from the part is type transfer and transfer plant the mfg plant.
When you look in time phase you see all the forecast but when you look at the mfg site there is no unfirmed jobs being created for the demand from the other site.
I can not seem to see what is causing this from not happening. Does anyone have this issue?
What you sent is what I would of expected to happen but it is not for us. Now to find the cause. If you don’t mind I will send you some screen shots of our data and maybe a second set of eyes will catch where the setup is wrong.
Attached is the setup for one of the parts that is not working. There seems to be a consistent issues with all our forecasted parts that are shipped from a different site warehouse. I am hoping something pops up that is different from your setup.
I have a couple of ideas to try that I think might help. First, I don’t see any transfer order prefix setup. IDK if it’s necessary, but we have them. See below for our setup. You are not getting transfer order suggestion at all. The transfer order suggestion on the receiving plant will create the unfirm job on the sending/mfg (in your case) plant. I do not think that your receiving (i.e., transfer) plants need to be setup as transfer plant themselves. It doesn’t seem like it should have to, if you never want to transfer FROM it.
Finally, days of supply on part plant tab for the plant. We use a minimum of 60 on ours and sometimes use 365 for our long lead parts. I have seen unexpected behavior from very short days of supply. After testing for prefix above, I’d next try inputting 30 or 60 DOS on all of the sites, or zeroing them all. We do not use planning time fence nor schedule deltas… not sure the effect there.
I ran into an odd issue. I am unable to give different transfer Order Prefix to each site. What ever I put in the first one listed is defaulting into the others and if I change it changes all. I assume you didn’t have that issues?
Huh… it does seem turned around.
Reviewing mine per below (site config + a dashboard of open transfer lines), while it states it is in the transfer “to” sites 20 and 30 data under Pennsylvania site it really seems to dictate how the system calls transfers TO this site, i.e., TO Pennsylvania. This is making me think that you will need to setup transfer definitions on the sites that you have no intention of transferring from but do intend to transfer to.
If So I love your dashboard, would you be willing to share it with me so I dont have to reinvent the wheel? I would love to import it into my test enviroment
Sure. It’s pretty basic. Here’s the export of the BAQ + DB. I’m not sure if you can import into your version. In case you have any problems here’s screenshot of the query so you can rebuild if needed.
Nancy I have another quick question as we are still struggling with this mess. CAn you send me a screen shot of your transfer order suggestion in time phase? I am still having issues not see a job suggestion.
Sorry I didn’t go back that far………this has been a very long process for us in trying to back track.
So if I am reading it right you have a forecast on part 37665c110, so if you went to you forecast screen I would see a forecast for site 10. Do you have it as a general forecast or a Customer specific forecast.
See my example of my forecast
This is what the forecast at my site that needs the parts look like
I have seen unexpected behavior with days of supply set to 0, and 5 seems really low also. Want to run your MRP with DOS set to 30 or 60days and see what the results are then? Our forecast is not per customer, it’s just to put load on system to order what we expect to use over our lead time.
Are you creating Transfer orders in your sites first? I was able to see an unfirmed job created for one of my parts but not from the forecast only the Transfer Order that was already in the system.