Slow moving stocks v4

This is something I developed in Crystal. The main report is basically a "stock
status" looking at ParBin only for total onhands. I then use a Subreport (why I
love Crystal!) that looks at the PartTran table. I filter this subreport to
only include relevant transaction types (for us STK-CUS, STK-MTL) grouped by
part. I then add a summary field to this group that is the "Maximum" of the
TranDate which gives me the last transaction date for that part. The days or
aging is calculated by subtracting the max trandate from the printdate. I then
pass this number to the main report.

When I run the report I export to Excel so that I can sort by highest days so
that the obsolete inventory and it's value are at the top of the list.

Hope this helps!

Mike Lowe
Connor Manufacturing Services
____________________Reply Separator____________________
Subject: [Vantage] Slow moving stocks v4
Author: <>
Date: 1/12/02 9:55 AM

Hi All

Does anyone have experience with reports for slow moving stocks on v4.

Ideally I am trying to simply find any part that hasn't had a MFG-CUS or
STK-CUS or STK-MFG for 6 months (regardless of other transactions ie moving
from bin to bin or count adjustments). I have tried various calculations
from parttran but clearly haven't got it right. Can anyone share any ideas
or even a similar report I can use as a starting point.
Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thanks in anticipation

Olwyn Emery
Hallam Plastics (UK)

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