****SPAM**** Sports type Cooling Fans for the shop

I wish they worked in the South with the high humidity!!!

From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of
Mark Wonsil
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 1:34 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: ****SPAM**** Re: [Vantage] Sports type Cooling Fans for the shop

> Has any one used a sports-type colling fan to cool their shop floor?

http://www.bigassfans.com/ is an Epicor user and even frequents this list!

Mark W.

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Good Day:

Has any one used a sports-type colling fan to cool their shop floor?
See below.

Sports type Cooling Fans for the shop

Leonard C. Hartka, IT Director\ERP Manager
Sun Automation Group
66 Loveton Circle
Sparks, Md. 21152
410-329-3560 ext. 120
410-329-3564 FAX
443-255-7192 Work Cell

www.Sunautomation.com <blocked::blocked::http://www.sunautomation.com/>


From: Len Hartka
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 11:17 AM
To: Stephen Toben; Steve Adamski
Cc: Keith Hagerich; Jeff Peterson; IT Department; Amy Fleming
Subject: Cooling Fans for the shop

Good Day Stephen\ Steve:

Have we ever tried mist-cooling fans for the shop ( maybe we could
rent one?). See TWO below.
Maybe Fidelity since they rent electric generators?

Beyond 5-6 ft in front of the fan the air is completely dry (fully
evaporated mist) and the air is cooled up to 25 degrees.

The air may be completely dry, but I think it would, at some point,
re-condense? = humidity = rust?

Or maybe the Company picnic ( see their web-site for outside



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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Has any one used a sports-type colling fan to cool their shop floor?

http://www.bigassfans.com/ is an Epicor user and even frequents this list!

Mark W.