Special Orders - No Inventory

I think that you are on to something here. The ECO is supposed to do this for me but I need to double check it on a real order tomorrow.

I will let you know how it goes.


--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Gary Wojtowicz" <ajrgary@...> wrote:
> I run into that error since I went live. what it is telling you is that the material you are trying to buy is not allowed. to get past this error you need to go job entry and call up the material entry. on that page you will see a purchase direct check box, check it, save and then go back to your PO and try it again, you will not get the error.
> Gary Wojtowicz
> AJR Industries, Inc.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
We run a steel service center and use Epicor for processing purchase orders, inventory management and sales orders.

Sometimes a customer will ask us to order something in special for them. We need to purchase it using a purchase order but we don't want it to go into inventory. As soon as it arrives, we simply sell it to the customer.

Is anyone out there doing something similar? Can you provide some guidance on the best way to go about doing this?


I have a little more information on this...

When we set this up, the Epicor consultant created an ECO on the part number that we use for special orders. Someone was messing around with this and deleted the revision that was linked to the ECO.

The test system still works so I have been going back and forth comparing the part, ECO, MoMs, etc. When we need to do a special order, we create a sales order. During the creation of the sales order, we generate a job. When we go to create the PO and create the line item, we select Buy For... Job Material. Then we enter the job number that we created previously. FOr the material, we select the drop down and select the material that we created in the ECO. At this point, I get an error...

"Material/Operation is not on file or it has no pending purchase requirements."

I have searched everywhere and I can't figure out how to resolve this. I am pretty sure that it is on file otherwise it wouldn't have shown up but I have no idea where to look for the pending purchase requirements.

Any ideas?


--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "johngeh" <johngeh@...> wrote:
> We run a steel service center and use Epicor for processing purchase orders, inventory management and sales orders.
> Sometimes a customer will ask us to order something in special for them. We need to purchase it using a purchase order but we don't want it to go into inventory. As soon as it arrives, we simply sell it to the customer.
> Is anyone out there doing something similar? Can you provide some guidance on the best way to go about doing this?
> Thanks.
> John
I know this doesn't answer your issue with the error message, but you
can just create a job without any methods and just build the job with
your special material.

You do not have to go through an ECO to get this to work.

But I do have one question, what does this error message keep you from
doing? I ask because I do get it on occasion and just blow right
through it and it has been a while since I last got it.

M. Manasa Reddy

manasa@... <mailto:manasa@...>


630.806.2000 ofc

630.806.2001 fax



From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf
Of johngeh
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 7:56 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Special Orders - No Inventory

I have a little more information on this...

When we set this up, the Epicor consultant created an ECO on the part
number that we use for special orders. Someone was messing around with
this and deleted the revision that was linked to the ECO.

The test system still works so I have been going back and forth
comparing the part, ECO, MoMs, etc. When we need to do a special order,
we create a sales order. During the creation of the sales order, we
generate a job. When we go to create the PO and create the line item, we
select Buy For... Job Material. Then we enter the job number that we
created previously. FOr the material, we select the drop down and select
the material that we created in the ECO. At this point, I get an

"Material/Operation is not on file or it has no pending purchase

I have searched everywhere and I can't figure out how to resolve this. I
am pretty sure that it is on file otherwise it wouldn't have shown up
but I have no idea where to look for the pending purchase requirements.

Any ideas?


--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com <mailto:vantage%40yahoogroups.com> ,
"johngeh" <johngeh@...> wrote:
> We run a steel service center and use Epicor for processing purchase
orders, inventory management and sales orders.
> Sometimes a customer will ask us to order something in special for
them. We need to purchase it using a purchase order but we don't want it
to go into inventory. As soon as it arrives, we simply sell it to the
> Is anyone out there doing something similar? Can you provide some
guidance on the best way to go about doing this?
> Thanks.
> John

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
The problem is that we have a lot of special orders. The Epicor consultant that set up our system designed it this way so that we could track special orders through our system. I think that he set up the ECO so that it would automatically do it this way every time.

On the error - when I get the error, I close the dialog box but I can't get any farther. If I try to save the order, the error just pops up again.


--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Manasa Reddy" <manasa@...> wrote:
> I know this doesn't answer your issue with the error message, but you
> can just create a job without any methods and just build the job with
> your special material.
> You do not have to go through an ECO to get this to work.
> But I do have one question, what does this error message keep you from
> doing? I ask because I do get it on occasion and just blow right
> through it and it has been a while since I last got it.
> M. Manasa Reddy
> manasa@... <mailto:manasa@...>
> 800.852.2325
> 630.806.2000 ofc
> 630.806.2001 fax
> www.weldcoa.com
> ________________________________
> From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf
> Of johngeh
> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 7:56 PM
> To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [Vantage] Re: Special Orders - No Inventory
> I have a little more information on this...
> When we set this up, the Epicor consultant created an ECO on the part
> number that we use for special orders. Someone was messing around with
> this and deleted the revision that was linked to the ECO.
> The test system still works so I have been going back and forth
> comparing the part, ECO, MoMs, etc. When we need to do a special order,
> we create a sales order. During the creation of the sales order, we
> generate a job. When we go to create the PO and create the line item, we
> select Buy For... Job Material. Then we enter the job number that we
> created previously. FOr the material, we select the drop down and select
> the material that we created in the ECO. At this point, I get an
> error...
> "Material/Operation is not on file or it has no pending purchase
> requirements."
> I have searched everywhere and I can't figure out how to resolve this. I
> am pretty sure that it is on file otherwise it wouldn't have shown up
> but I have no idea where to look for the pending purchase requirements.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks.
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com <mailto:vantage%40yahoogroups.com> ,
> "johngeh" <johngeh@> wrote:
> >
> > We run a steel service center and use Epicor for processing purchase
> orders, inventory management and sales orders.
> >
> > Sometimes a customer will ask us to order something in special for
> them. We need to purchase it using a purchase order but we don't want it
> to go into inventory. As soon as it arrives, we simply sell it to the
> customer.
> >
> > Is anyone out there doing something similar? Can you provide some
> guidance on the best way to go about doing this?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > John
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Hhhmm...sorry I am not much more help. Like I said it has been a long
time since I last got that error.

Call tech support...I know it can be a pain, but I know that this error
has been around for a long time as well.

M. Manasa Reddy

manasa@... <mailto:manasa@...>


630.806.2000 ofc

630.806.2001 fax



From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf
Of johngeh
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 10:27 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Special Orders - No Inventory

The problem is that we have a lot of special orders. The Epicor
consultant that set up our system designed it this way so that we could
track special orders through our system. I think that he set up the ECO
so that it would automatically do it this way every time.

On the error - when I get the error, I close the dialog box but I can't
get any farther. If I try to save the order, the error just pops up


--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com <mailto:vantage%40yahoogroups.com> ,
"Manasa Reddy" <manasa@...> wrote:
> I know this doesn't answer your issue with the error message, but you
> can just create a job without any methods and just build the job with
> your special material.
> You do not have to go through an ECO to get this to work.
> But I do have one question, what does this error message keep you from
> doing? I ask because I do get it on occasion and just blow right
> through it and it has been a while since I last got it.
> M. Manasa Reddy
> manasa@... <mailto:manasa@...>
> 800.852.2325
> 630.806.2000 ofc
> 630.806.2001 fax
> www.weldcoa.com
> ________________________________
> From: vantage@yahoogroups.com <mailto:vantage%40yahoogroups.com>
[mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com <mailto:vantage%40yahoogroups.com> ] On
> Of johngeh
> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 7:56 PM
> To: vantage@yahoogroups.com <mailto:vantage%40yahoogroups.com>
> Subject: [Vantage] Re: Special Orders - No Inventory
> I have a little more information on this...
> When we set this up, the Epicor consultant created an ECO on the part
> number that we use for special orders. Someone was messing around with
> this and deleted the revision that was linked to the ECO.
> The test system still works so I have been going back and forth
> comparing the part, ECO, MoMs, etc. When we need to do a special
> we create a sales order. During the creation of the sales order, we
> generate a job. When we go to create the PO and create the line item,
> select Buy For... Job Material. Then we enter the job number that we
> created previously. FOr the material, we select the drop down and
> the material that we created in the ECO. At this point, I get an
> error...
> "Material/Operation is not on file or it has no pending purchase
> requirements."
> I have searched everywhere and I can't figure out how to resolve this.
> am pretty sure that it is on file otherwise it wouldn't have shown up
> but I have no idea where to look for the pending purchase
> Any ideas?
> Thanks.
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com <mailto:vantage%40yahoogroups.com>
<mailto:vantage%40yahoogroups.com> ,
> "johngeh" <johngeh@> wrote:
> >
> > We run a steel service center and use Epicor for processing purchase
> orders, inventory management and sales orders.
> >
> > Sometimes a customer will ask us to order something in special for
> them. We need to purchase it using a purchase order but we don't want
> to go into inventory. As soon as it arrives, we simply sell it to the
> customer.
> >
> > Is anyone out there doing something similar? Can you provide some
> guidance on the best way to go about doing this?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > John
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I run into that error since I went live. what it is telling you is that the material you are trying to buy is not allowed. to get past this error you need to go job entry and call up the material entry. on that page you will see a purchase direct check box, check it, save and then go back to your PO and try it again, you will not get the error.

Gary Wojtowicz
AJR Industries, Inc.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]