SQL Replication and UD Fields

We are considering SQL replication to create a read only copy of our Epicor database hosted on a different server. I believe the last time I tried using replication in E10, there were issues adding new UD fields to tables that were replicated. Does anyone have any advice / knowledge about replicating on prem SQL?

Should work fine as long as Replicate schema changes is set to true under subscription options.

Thanks for the response, that is logical for the subscriber. For some reason, I thought regenerating the data model fails if the source table / view is published but maybe I just missed a setting in the publication?

The data model regeneration is for the backend server DB business objects to be updated.

Oh yeah that makes sense. That must mean the UD field gets added to the table via UD Column Maintenance then. I will need to do some testing, thanks again

Actually it is via a Join to the Parent Table and there is also a dbo.ParentTable view that gets created/updated as well.

You will see ParentTable_UD with the additional columns and the FK’s to the parent table after data model regeneration.

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I plan to replicate the view and both underlying tables (parent and UD). My concern is that once the view and underlying tables are published that Epicor will not allow me to add another field to the UD table and update the view via the interface as it normally does.

@tanner We replicate all but a few tables and updating the scheme flows without any issues for us and I do them with active users all the time.

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Thanks for clarifying @gpayne, I appreciate the feedback!