We are implementing a new company in Montreal and for business reasons we need to generate it in English and an exact same copy in French. How can I accomplish this using 1 report style? I know we can’t add pages to SSRS and use a page break instead. Should I just create one and literally copy/paste all the SSRS structure?
My thought process is this (have not actually done it, but relatively easy to set up if you want to test it):
COPY your current report style. Label that original English (if that’s the default)… and the new one French. On the new (French) style… change the language.
I would then add a routing to the primary (English) version…
So when they run the English version… you get the User Action… and then add an “Alternate Report Style” to the Break and it should hopefully generate the French version as well.
Not sure if the “Language” Setting on the report style works 100%… again, never tested… but… something along those lines may get you close?
I’m assuming (if this works) you would end up with two different generated reports. If you want them in the same PDF (one report)… then you probably have a lot more work to do to design an RDL that will print the report in two different languages.
I know I’ve used the Alternate Report Style before… but now can’t find the Report Style I used that with, hahaha.
I can’t remember if you have to hang another User Action on to that branch as well?? So, if they did a print preview, it would do the User Action (print preview) down both branches? Can’t remember now, but that would probably make sense?
Refer to the KB article KB0138788. May not help you in your instance though just taking in to account the version you are on.
In order to have a “Standard SSRS” report to display in a different language the language pack needs to be installed and the user running the report needs to have their language set correctly.
If you need the CSF then that’s an additional step before you add the language file. There is a Canadian CSF. You need a licence for the CSF though as @tkoch mentioned.
@Moreno.Mauricio I think language and culture has been added to report styles since your version. see @dcamlin s post I can see in 2023.2 and up it is there also (don’t have an earlier one to look at).
In your instance I think you will find that the report language is determined by the language and format culture of the users account executing the report, and that if the language pack is installed (and possibly the CSF), it will use the RptLanguageID from the generated tables for the report data and the ReportCutlureCode from the related RptParameter table…when the report is run the dll for the report data def determines the users language and if there is a language pack it overwrites the report labels with the relevant data. (I could be wrong here) Needless to say why Epicor added the language and culture to the report style was to give the users the flexibility to generate a report independent of their user login language. I have not seen any documentation on this change so I will have to go off and have a look.
On a further note I was testing this and I was always under the impression that if you set the archive interval of a report, it stores a copy of the generated data in the related applications report database, providing you the functionality to use the preview at a later date through system monitor. I cleaned all of the archived report data from the related database and did a print preview, and the report still rendered actually creating a copy of the pdf in the AppData\Local\Temp folder on my pc… Bizzar! I wonder if this is some change around this functionality to improve performance.
I second this - CSF France is the easiest way to do it. Once a user with French language set runs the report, it will translate it automatically. You can even add your own translations if needed.
While I agree with you… I believe his initial request was to get BOTH translations when he prints. That’s why I initially proposed (2) report styles in hopes both would print via the APR.
I missed that. Yeah, then a new RDD would work. What I did is added a new custom field for the translated field and then added rules to show/hide it in the SSRS report based on the company field.