Hi, we are looking to migrate from 10.2.200 to 10.2.500 and decided to re-create the AR Invoice SSRS form the ground up to add our customizations (starting with a copy of .500 base causes other challenges). We’re almost done except we cannot find where this Custom code function is being called on the form itself:
Public Function SetVarInvoiceNum(InvNum as Integer, InvDate as Date, VoucherString as String, CreditMemo as Boolean,p_RptLiteralsLPhone as String,p_RptLiteralsLFax as String,p_RptLiteralsLof as String,p_RptLiteralsLPage as String,p_RptLiteralsLHdng as String,p_Label_Calc_CreditMemo as String,p_RptLiteralsLInvoice as String,p_RptLiteralsLDate as String,p_RptLiteralsLVatNr as String, IsDraftCopy as Boolean, DocCopyNum as Integer, FirstPrintDate as Date, Posted as Boolean, DocumentPrinted as Boolean, p_Label_Calc_PLWasteRegisterNum as String) as String
I’m guessing it has to be in a place that is fired really early on runtime as it sets a bunch of variables in a hashtable (for later use). You guys have an idea where that “=Code.SetVarInvoiceNum(…)” resides?
Thanks very much!