SSRS Error

Getting this error in the logs on our SSRS server

The Hidden expression for the tablix ‘Tablix1’ contains an error: The expression references the field ‘Calc_ReasonDescription’, which does not exist in the Fields collection. Expressions can only refer to fields within the current dataset scope or, if inside an aggregate, the specified dataset scope. Letters in the names of fields must use the correct case.

this is the expression it is talking about not sure what i can do to get it resolve. If i remove the suppression formula it works fine and if i change it to another value

=iif(Fields!Calc_ReasonDescription.Value <> “Return for Repair”,true,false)

3 suggestions:

  1. modify the RDD - Add a Calculated field called ReasonDescription - it will never be used but the report will run.
  2. Remove the Calc_ReasonDescription from the report - or simply “comment out” or “hide” the formula.
  3. In the RDD use a “Link” fields or add a table to get the ReasonDescription into the DataSet and use your added ReasonDescription and not the Epicor Calc_ReasonDescription.


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