Styling in E10 Blank Title 136642

The same with us. We are not able to filter by plant or site either. Just upgraded to E10.

We have two Plants and want to identify them via different colors using the styling tool however when I go in to FilterType on the style filter it doesn't have Plant or Site showing. Only None, Company, Language, Application and Form. Is there a setting that will bring in Site or Plant to this?



I called support about this a long time ago and they won't fix it. I believe it will be fixed in 10.1 though.

From: "adrianlauchlan@... [vantage]" <>
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 1:34 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Styling in E10

We have two Plants and want to identify them via different colors using the styling tool however when I go in to FilterType on the style filter it doesn't have Plant or Site showing. Only None, Company, Language, Application and Form. Is there a setting that will bring in Site or Plant to this?

Thanks Ted - spoke with Epicor and release date unknown but suggestion is the release will be late spring early summer - question is which year :-)
#ygrps-yiv-1417856067 {font-family:'Times New Roman';font-size:13px;}
They are using 10.1.XXX at Insights so I assume it is this year...

On Sat, 16 May 2015 14:07:30 -0500, adrianlauchlan@... [vantage] <> wrote:

<div id="ygrps-yiv-1417856067ygrp-text">
  <p>Thanks Ted - spoke with Epicor and release date unknown but suggestion is the release will be late spring early summer - question is which year :-)</p>


<div style="color:#fff;height:0;"></div>

Using Opera's mail client:

Today at Insights it was announced that 10.1 will have three release phases:

1.        Now – a handful of sites have it for trying out and testing with non-Live data

2.        July time frame a limited number of sites will go live on 10.1

3.        By end-of-year (how’s that for exact?) general release


In the mean time I had a discussion with a very Sr. Project manager / development strategy type person and there are one-off fixes for a lot of things but when I asked about one tromping on another he said that is a very real issue and care must be taken.  You can’t even count on the higher mod date of the .dll files including a prior fix in it.


-Todd C.



From: []
Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2015 2:08 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Styling in E10



Thanks Ted - spoke with Epicor and release date unknown but suggestion is the release will be late spring early summer - question is which year :-)

Thanks for the update Todd




Adrian Lauchlan FRSA



mobile 07852 270968


From: []
Sent: 20 May 2015 02:03
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Re: Styling in E10



Today at Insights it was announced that 10.1 will have three release phases:

1.        Now – a handful of sites have it for trying out and testing with non-Live data

2.        July time frame a limited number of sites will go live on 10.1

3.        By end-of-year (how’s that for exact?) general release


In the mean time I had a discussion with a very Sr. Project manager / development strategy type person and there are one-off fixes for a lot of things but when I asked about one tromping on another he said that is a very real issue and care must be taken.  You can’t even count on the higher mod date of the .dll files including a prior fix in it.


-Todd C.



From: []
Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2015 2:08 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Styling in E10



Thanks Ted - spoke with Epicor and release date unknown but suggestion is the release will be late spring early summer - question is which year :-)

Hi, for the one offs, was that in regard to 10.0x or would there still be a lot of competing one-offs in 10.1?

And is there any more news about the release date?  Our company was holding off E10 for 10.1 but we have issues with one-offs know so we wouldn't be too excited if we're not in a more stable cycle yet.