We have noticed an issue (seemingly since going to 5.20 in Oct.) where on a job that has split releases (linking order releases to job and shipping partial job qty) the subcontractor costs for the entire job goes to Cost of Goods Sold rather than just a portion for what has shipped. In the past the subcontractor costs for the remainder would stay in WIP costs. This is messing up our view of profitability of releases by hitting the first release really hard and making later releases look too good. So far things ruled out are changing release dates and sub-assembly issues.
Support has not been able to duplicate (for 5.20.313). We are in the midst of a Vantage System Review and Epicor consultant (plus our CAM) have not heard of this as an issue either. Anyone out in the real world notice this issue with subcontractor costs?
-Todd Caughey
Harvey Vogel Mfg. Co.
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Support has not been able to duplicate (for 5.20.313). We are in the midst of a Vantage System Review and Epicor consultant (plus our CAM) have not heard of this as an issue either. Anyone out in the real world notice this issue with subcontractor costs?
-Todd Caughey
Harvey Vogel Mfg. Co.
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