Subject: Export Utility Calculation

Change your calculated field to:

IF RcvDtl.ReceivedComplete = Yes THEN "yes" ELSE "no"

Note the lack of quotes around the first Yes. This is a logical field and
comparing it to a number gives the error "incompatible data types."
Progress recognizes Yes and No (without quotes) as acceptable values. Other
logical fields may have other acceptable values (like JobHead.JobClosed can
use Closed or Open; look in the Data Dictionary viewer under Fmt: to see
what works) but Yes and No will always work.

The statement above tells Progress to compare the value of the logical field
to Yes and then return a text value (programmers call this a string) that is

I hope that I've made some sense in trying to explain this.
Good luck!
Steve Sanders
Delta Centrifugal Corp.

-----Original Message-----
From: Amy Mackay [mailto:amackay@...]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 6:39 AM
To: 'Egroup'
Subject: [Vantage] Subject: Re: Export Utility Calculation

Thank you, but this is for Export Utility, not for Report Builder. This
does NOT work for Export Utility.

Using another example calculation that I know works as an example: IF
JobAsmbl.PartNum BEGINS "E" THEN ((JobAsmbl.TLAProdHours +
JobAsmbl.LLAProdHours) * 60) ELSE ((JobAsmbl.TLAProdHours +
JobAsmbl.LLAProdHours)* 50)

I tried the following: IF RcvDtl.ReceivedComplete = 1 THEN "yes" ELSE "no"

But that didn't work either. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thank

Amy T. MacKay
Parkinson Technologies
(p) 401-762-2100 x 324
(f) 401-762-2295

Message: 7
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 11:20:52 -0600
From: "calvin" <calvin@...>
Subject: Re: Export Utility Calculation

Amy -

Create a calculated field with the following equation:
IIF(RcvDtl.ReceivedComplete=1, "yes", "no")

Then reference the calculated field in your report instead
of the rcvdtl.receivedcomplete field.


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Thank you, but this is for Export Utility, not for Report Builder. This
does NOT work for Export Utility.

Using another example calculation that I know works as an example: IF
JobAsmbl.PartNum BEGINS "E" THEN ((JobAsmbl.TLAProdHours +
JobAsmbl.LLAProdHours) * 60) ELSE ((JobAsmbl.TLAProdHours +
JobAsmbl.LLAProdHours)* 50)

I tried the following: IF RcvDtl.ReceivedComplete = 1 THEN "yes" ELSE "no"

But that didn't work either. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thank

Amy T. MacKay
Parkinson Technologies
(p) 401-762-2100 x 324
(f) 401-762-2295

Message: 7
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 11:20:52 -0600
From: "calvin" <calvin@...>
Subject: Re: Export Utility Calculation

Amy -

Create a calculated field with the following equation:
IIF(RcvDtl.ReceivedComplete=1, "yes", "no")

Then reference the calculated field in your report instead
of the rcvdtl.receivedcomplete field.
