Subject: Off Topic--Document Management

We use document management and it works great. We have all of our
prints scanned in and attached to the part master, so they can printed off
when we release a job. We also have our QA documents attached. We also
scan all of our certs in for our material, but unfortunately they can't be
attached to the PO (no document button there, at least on 5.0). Right now
we aren't attaching them anywhere, but we are thinking of attaching them
under the part number. If you would like more information feel free to
contact me.
Judy Stauduhar
Synovis Interventional Solutions

Message: 18
Date: Thu, 07 Nov 2002 12:45:34 -0000
From: "melmike13" <mikeg.ptc@...>
Subject: Off Topic--Document Management

Hi All,

Is anyone using a document management system? I am looking for some
success stories to help me in my justification. After looking at 5
or 6 systems I am just about sold on LaserFiche.

Mike Gilchrist