Subject: Serious Bug in Patch 305 - Part Maint

I have confirmed the bug as well. By using the Re-sequence feature the
BOM WILL get phantom operations. However, based on my limited testing,
if Re-sequence is NOT used everything works out ok. I have not yet tried
manual re-sequences (manual re-numbering of the op #'s) yet, but I will.....

Rick Joslin
V-S Industries
P. 847-520-1800 ex 206
F. 847-520-0269
e. rick.joslin@...

Message: 25
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 09:51:43 -0600
From: "Todd Caughey" <caugheyt@...>
Subject: Serious Bug in Patch 305 - Part Maint.

Since applying patch 305 last weekend we have encountered further serious
problems in Engineering Workbench and the maintenance of Part BOMs. At
patch 211 there was an issue with deleting operations and resequencing (thus
re-using a oper sequence number) which caused in infinite loop on part
check-in and the PC would hang. The workaround was to not resequence or
re-use a sequence number.

Now in 305 we can not delete operations at all. The appear to delete but
when the part is checked-in but if it is checked out again or examined in
part tracker all the deleted sequences are back and added to the end of
operations AND renumbered relative to the last sequence number that was
there even if it was a deleted one. If we had sequences 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,
60, 70 and we deleted 40 & 50 (and without resequencing) we should see 10,
20, 30, 60, 70 but the part comes back as 10, 20, 30, 60, 70, 80, 90 with
80 & 90 being the two deleted operations. We we had deleted 50 thru 70 they
would come back as 80-100.

In short, there is no way to delete an operation and if we try to the part's
BOM gets seriously messed up. Support is aware of this (SCR 5292 and former
SCR 4608) but due to the seriousness of the issue and not having seen it
mentioned much here I figured it is something other sites might be
interested in knowing about. Especially if contemplating applying patch
305. Perhaps others at this patch level are seeing different symptoms which
could assist development in getting this fixed as quickly as possible.

At the moment our only workaround is to replace operations to be deleted
with a bogus operation number called "DELETED OPER" as a sort of place
holder and then take it out when the job is created.

-Todd Caughey
Havey Vogel Mfg. Co.