Hi everybody,
I have a delay with a request.
We work with Vantage 8.03.408.
we want to know the invoiced sales summarized by dates and products.
I tried to do a dashboard with "for each InvcHead where ( InvcHead.Company = Constants.CurComp AND InvcHead.InvoiceDate = 01/27/2011) no-lock , each InvcDtl where (InvcHead.Company = InvcDtl.Company and InvcHead.InvoiceNum = InvcDtl.InvoiceNum) no-lock by InvcHead.InvoiceDate" i added a table, part or orderdtl, for get the fields partnum and ium dans le dashboard, but it doesn't work, always i have partnum duplicated.
Any idea ?
I have a delay with a request.
We work with Vantage 8.03.408.
we want to know the invoiced sales summarized by dates and products.
I tried to do a dashboard with "for each InvcHead where ( InvcHead.Company = Constants.CurComp AND InvcHead.InvoiceDate = 01/27/2011) no-lock , each InvcDtl where (InvcHead.Company = InvcDtl.Company and InvcHead.InvoiceNum = InvcDtl.InvoiceNum) no-lock by InvcHead.InvoiceDate" i added a table, part or orderdtl, for get the fields partnum and ium dans le dashboard, but it doesn't work, always i have partnum duplicated.
Any idea ?