Suppiler price list issue on epicor and ops

Hi All i have had this email from a member of staff and im not sure where to go with this.

I have an issue on a part because the parts go out to a subcon Op 30 for work 1, then come back to us, then back out to the same subcon at op 270 for work 2.

On Supplier Price list I don’t have an option to put a price against an OP number so can only enter one price.

I really need to choose an OP number and set a price against that otherwise half of the purchase orders raised for subcon will have the wrong price on.

any help on this would be great thank you so much


In Supplier Price List, add a new subcontract part. You can choose the type of operation. If you setup operations as “work1” and “work2” then you can set a different price for each. This will not update existing jobs and only apply to new ops added to jobs or entirely new jobs.

If op 30 and op 270 are for the same exact operation (like they are both paint ops), then you have to differentiate them to the supplier price list somehow. Create a before and after paint op, or anything to make the two ops unique. Then you can assign prices to each op.