I can't keep up, but a Japanese man memorized it out to 10,000 places, then beat his own record and got 40,000 places. I wonder if he remembers to take out the garbage before going to work.
----- Original Message -----
From: Thad Jacobs
To: 'vantage@yahoogroups.com'
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 3:26 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Survey -( tangent)
I'll never again consider myself worthy of calling myself a nerd after
reading this...
http://hiwaay.net/~jfrohwei/about/memorize.html reads as follows:
It seems that everyone has there own tips for memorizing Pi. I find it
easiest to divide Pi into 50 numbers in a section. This is how I am able to
do it:
3 . 14159265358979323 - I still remember this much from age 16.
8 - I just ate.
46264 - COOL mirror image number.
33 - Rhyms with tree-tree? (This speeellin of 'rhym' doesn't look right be
the spelling checker okayed it.)
832 - This is a popular dialing prefix in my area.
795 - My dad used to have a post office box with this number.
0288 - I like numbers that start with zero.
4 - How many digits are in the following year?
1971 - I didn't like the 70's. (In general that is.)
69 - Two years earlier. (First year of CV joints on Volkswagen Beetles.)
3993 - A cool mirror image number.
7510 - Last number in this section
5820 - the first two digit are the 7 & 5 of the last section reversed + 1.
974 - A Futuristic Porsche style?
944 - A Present day Porsche style!!
5923 - Kind of related to the number before the Porsches.
0781 - First number I like in this section.
640 - Popular computer graphic screen width.
628 - What is the 40 above in hex? (28!)
620 - What is the 40 above divided by 2? (20!)
8998 - Cool mirror image number.
628 - This is the middle 600 number above repeated.
0348 - Other number I like in this section.
2 - How many digits follow?
53 - How many weeks in a year + 1 ?
421 - Three digit descending (divide by 2) number.
1 - "One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do!" (Three Dog Night)
706 - Almost a Boeing 707 airplane !!
79 - Popular computer terminal column width - 1.
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