Switching reports during go live E10

I might not be understanding the question(s) so I’ll just blurb out a bunch of what I know and maybe some of it will fit.


1.       The data source will either be relative to the current database you are in (for DB based reports like SSRS) or in the username based path that does not matter what DB
- such as D:\epicor\ERP10\ERP10.0.700\EpicorData\Reports\<username> for XML files (used by Crystal)

2.       For the reports themselves I can only speak to Crystal since I’ve (so far) avoided SSRS by the necessity of time crunch to go live
The reports are duplicated amongst the databases but in the report styles are referenced by a relative path that the system puts the DB path part on
So the Live reports might be in D:\epicor\Websites\Epicor10\Server\reports\CustomReports\report.rpt
but the path in the report style would be /reports/customreports/report.rpt      - NOTE slash direction is web path style not UNC style

3.       My pattern lately (since going Live) has been to copy the Live folder version to Test and do work there then when it is working right copy back to Live
I try to never have the live version open for development (Crystal) because that prevents it from rendering the report if someone runs it
This was puzzling for a while until I realized what was happening.  System Monitor would show it ran OK but no report was produced unless I closed it in development
I don’t know if SSRS is the same this way.

-Todd C.



From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 11:46 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] switching reports during go live E10






We are going life in the month and I have a question about core reports.

They are using shared report data source. We are working on TEST DB right now, testing and modifiing core reports. How did you guys move reports from "test" into "life" ? Did you copy report one by one and then change datasource pointing to live DB or modify sharedreportdatasource and copy over between report folders ?








We are going life in the month and I have a question about core reports.

They are using shared report data source. We are working on TEST DB right now, testing and modifiing core reports. How did you guys move reports from "test" into "life" ? Did you copy report one by one and then change datasource pointing to live DB or modify sharedreportdatasource and copy over between report folders ?



