In Extended User Defined Table Maintenance, I’ve added some new UD fields. However, the Actions drop down is disabled and I cannot Sync it to db, despite the fact that the table is clearly marked with the status “Table not synced”.
Does anyone know why I might not be able to pick to sync it?
It’s my understanding that you have to sync through the Admin Console.
To synchronize the database, we need to regenerate the data model through the Epicor Administration Console. We have to select the database we want to synchronize under Database Server Management and click on the Regenerate Data Model option. In our example, we are using the DEMO database. This will start a batch process which may take several minutes.
Now, if we check our database we will notice there is a new table called Erp.Customer_UD. However, to use the new fields on an EPICOR customization we need to do two additional steps.
Firstly, we need to restart our EPICOR application pool. We may do it either using the Epicor Administration Console or the IIS Administration Tools. If we want to use the Epicor Administration Console, select the server under Server Management and click on Stop application pool. Once the pool status has changed to Stopped click on Start application pool.
Last but not least, if we did not do it before, we have to close and reopen our EPICOR client so to be able to use the new fields.
We can check everything is right opening the Extended UD Table Maintenance menu, searching for the UD table we just created and checking both table and data model are synced.
We have a table (Part_UD) which has had this problem for a couple of months on 10.1.500.11.
We have had numerous fields added to various tables with many reboots and regens done. Is there another easy thing to look for or should we just do a ticket?
There is a log file where you installed the admin console that is launching the regen.
There is a trace to turn on to monitor how the app server is handling the data model refresh and load
e.g. - Data Models are deployed to the database and downloaded to the app server when they are restarted - that process of checking and replacing is nicely traced with the trace://system/host flag in appserver.config
It’s already been answered a couple of times before but I just wanted to write down how I did it in our system so that I’ll remember if I google this topic again.
1.Do a Regenerate DataModel under Database Server Management.
2.Recycle IIS Application Pool.
3. Clear Client Cache and restart Epicor Client(If it is not showing up on your client during Customization)
Our Version is Version:
My Epicor Knowledge: Newbie
I never clear the cache. You Regen the Data Model and then Recycle IIS Poll on all your App Servers (if you have multiple). Above All just don’t do it during a busy time. I never do it during MRP Runs, Month End Close, I might do it during 12pm - 1pm (lunch time).
It’s recommended to do it during maintenance etc… but for the past 24 months, I have been doing exactly the opposite - squeezing it in during th day, often after 5pm (slower shift). No Problems, thus far.
Regen Data Model
Recycle IIS on All AppServers
FYI: I have over 30 Scheduled Tasks running at every hour of the day, 15+ Multi-Company Processes, Async BPMs etc… Never had an issue. Client’s will slow down for about 10-15min, Epicor will feel sluggish, slow.
Oh yeah I was actually working on Test Environment when I did the process so nobody else was in there.
You said don’t clear Cache but I couldn’t find the UD column I created in EpiBinding List when I was doing a customization. And as soon as I cleared my client cache and restarted the client it was there. Maybe I just needed to restart my client instead of clearing the cache. Do you restart your client after regen and recycle or do things just start working?
BTW this was my first time doing this so I know for sure that my method is not the most efficient one.
Usually as long as I don’t have the Screens open such as let’s say Part Entry, I see it immediately. Even in E10.0.700.2 - 10.1.500.31.
What happens is I do development in DEV/TST and then when I package up my solution for Infrastructure to deploy; sometimes a step in the process is - Regen the Data Model for new columns to appear. When they do the steps as outlined above, to this point we were always able to send an email to users and say “XYZ Dashboard updates are deployed, and you can use it”.
Hi does anyone know what this happen as from server access Epicor i noticed the data table synced nicely after I regen and app pool recycle, but from client station I’m hitting following error:
I did clear client cache from the client end but still same error.
Hi Jose,
Thanks for your response, I has try number of time with the same steps and I still hit the same issue, and this is my first time hit the funny things which I has regen a lot round from the pass.
for the server I’m using RDP(Remote Desktop) for access the server, for the client site I has install the Epicor client at local PC and just run the Epicor locally with the sysconfig poiting back to the server path.
Hi jose,
i finally found the root cause, the Epicor sysconfig was corrupted, i has try to copy the server sysconfig file and replace the client site config folder then its working, the table show synced successfully.