System Mgmt Blank Title 106336

Use Menu Maintenance to add a new menu item that points to the user codes dll on a menu other than system Management, set the security on the new menu item to one that the users belong to. This will allow you to lock up the entire system management menu tree if you like while giving users access to user codes via another menu tree.

Jim Kinneman
Senior Consultant
Encompass Solutions.

--- In, "Anon" <jgiese@...> wrote:
> Is there any way to give certain users access to the User Codes screen that are not System Manager?
Is there any way to give certain users access to the User Codes screen that are not System Manager?
Just create a Security group that only has access to that area. Add users
as appropriate.

On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 3:21 PM, Anon <jgiese@...>wrote:

> **
> Is there any way to give certain users access to the User Codes screen
> that are not System Manager?

*John Driggers*
*High End Dev, System Design, Profit Drinking
*:: 904.962.2887*
*:: waffqle@...*



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