TabIndex in Customization behavior

Here’s a strange one for you all. So Quote Entry, Lines, Worksheet. Tabbing was all over the place so I customized and set the TabIndex property for all fields on the form. It works beautifully with no quote loaded in… Once you load a quote or create a new quote, the tabbing is all over the place again. And, strangely, off exactly as it was before I customized it. And yes I can assure you that the customization IS loading. If I reset the form clearing the quote out, tabbing is back to perfect…

Any thoughts?


Could the old/different values be stored in the Custom XML for your customization?
Or Personalizations?
And already cleared your client cache?

The XML is correct and client cache has been cleared…

I kind of remember running into some “built-in” navigation in quote entry before.
Where some of my custom property settings were being overridden by some internal Epicor code. In my case I think it had more to do with setting focus on controls but… now I’m wondering if the same thing could be happening on your sheet(s)?

I’m thinking you’re right. Another one of those “What was Epicor thinking?” And “Why the h would they do that?”