Tablix with Detail Inner Members

I have one of those weird requests from management to pull together a bunch of data with the hopes that it will shine a light on some issues. The goal is to see a report of all the open jobs, and how many pieces are done at each operation. I have other fields to throw in there to make it useful, but I am having trouble with the operation part of it. In this case, we want to see the operations listed out from left to right, until all the operations are shown. This means we need a variable number of columns to display the data. One job might have 4 ops, and the next has 20 ops. We need to show the list of ops like this:

JobNum AsmSeq OpSeq OpSeq OpSeq OpSeq
JobNum AsmSeq ResourceGroup ResourceGroup ResourceGroup ResourceGroup
JobNum AsmSeq Completed Completed Completed Completed
12345 0 10 20 30 900
12345 0 SW SD WJ QC
12345 0 100 100 10 0
45678 0 3 10 20 30 40 50 900
45678 0 DS FD AS RF AS CD QC
45678 0 50 50 0 0 0 0 0

Here you can see that the first job starts at op 10 and goes to op 900, the next job starts at op 3, and goes to 900. How can I get SSRS to display a variable number of columns? I tried to insert a matrix into one of the rows, so that at each job/asm it would show a matrix of the operations. I have never used a matrix before, so I am not sure if it will work. In this case, when I add the matrix to the tablix cell, I get this error when I try to upload it:

The SSRS server returned the status code 500 (InternalServerError) with the following error text:
The tablix ‘Tablix3’ has a detail member with inner members. Detail members can only contain static inner members.

So is there a way to have a variable number of columns appear in my tablix so that I can show the operations all in one row, with their resource group and completed qty below each operation.

In the end we would use this to get a quick glimpse of where the bulk of parts are sitting on any given job.
Does this make sense?

You are trying to create a Cross Tab. Did you use the matrix wizard or did you just add a blank matrix?

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I added the blank matrix to the op seq cell of the main tablix.

Use the wizard. Then you can place the matrix in another matrix if you need to.


I used the Wizard to add a new matrix.

In the OprSeq Column, I removed the calculated field, and replaced it with a table with 3 rows (OpCode, and 2 calculated values for completed parts and qty waiting at op.

This is the resulting report:

I would like to have all the ops on the row with the job. For example, if that first job has op 10, 20, 40, 900. I only want to see those in the opseq header. I want that op seq header to only list the ops for the job the ops are in. So, I don’t want to see op 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7… for every job, only on the jobs that have it.

I think it needs a fancy grouping. I am doing trial and error now, but if you have any ideas, I would love to try them!

That is the issue with a cross-tab, if it exists in the data it shows.

Two suggestions. First, just do an expression that combines the data into 1 field with text headers. Have you ever used Placeholders? They are fun and an option for you.

Second, add an extra row and hide it. Write an expression that performs a check of the field that has the data and if true put in 1 and false put in 0. Then put a hide filter on the columns that if the Sum of your formula = 0, hide.

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I haven’t used placeholders yet. I have done lots of fancy formulas for hiding or showing rows. How do placeholders help this?

Can you expand on this a bit more too?

I am trying to use this for my hidden column expression:


Which is the sum of my expression to check for values:


Placeholders are just easier ways to build out a concatenated string. To use them, you put the cursor in the field and right click to get the Placeholders option. You can build text placeholders for titles, field placeholders for displaying data, and you can even do expressions.

Instead of trying to get them all on 1 row, just do an expression (or placeholder) that concatenates them all together.

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Are you getting values in the field when there is an OpCode?

I have come back to this with a slightly different approach. Since I can’t embed matrixes inside tablixes, I decided to use a subreport.

I think some screenshots will help this discussion along.

This is what my BAQ spits out.

This is what my report looks like.

And this is what my RDLs look like with the parameters for the subreport:

The problem I am having is probably with the parameters. In the example I posted here, I want the operations to be listed to the right in the subreport. But I only want the ops that are linked to the job in the group. Instead, it seems to be showing some other set of operation.

Can anyone make sense of this?

Do you really need the Order data in the sub-report? I’m not seeing it being used, which is why I am asking.

We don’t need any order data in the subreport, you’re right. It is only the job related labor data about each operation. I can remove those, but, it does not change the output list of operations. The ops should be 10, 20, 40, 50, 60, 70, 900, as in the BAQ. But the output is 10, 15, 20, 25. This makes me think the subreport is not linked correctly.

What is your query for the sub-report?

I used the same dataset. Honestly, I haven’t built a lot of subreports from scratch, so I am a little fuzzy on this part. To create my OPList subreport, I copied the original RDL and changed the name. I deleted the header/footer and grid, and then built it back up. So the dataset in the background is the same as the top report. If I were to build a separate BAQ for the subreport, how would I link it all up?

What you did is fine, I was just wondering if it was different. What is the column grouping? Is it just the field or is it an expression?

In the OpList subreport the column is grouped on JobOper_OprSeq. I think the issue could be because I used a matrix as the subreport grid. The matrix requires any fields in the values section to be aggregated. So I set them to first, and sum, which is probably one issue.

Matrixes and Tablixes are the same thing, I have no idea why they call them both.

You can put a Matrix in a Matrix. You need to select the matrix object and ctrl + x and select the cell you want to put it in and ctrl + v.


When I try to put a matrix for the ops inside my tablix, I get this error when trying to upload it:

The SSRS server returned the status code 500 (InternalServerError) with the following error text:
The tablix ‘Tablix1’ has a detail member with inner members. Detail members can only contain static inner members.

Which is why I went down the subreport route.

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I figured out that you can’t have a tablix in a details section. So I am working on trying to get my Op list to work as an embedded matrix/tablix. I think I am on the right track.

I have to embed the matrix inside a group, and not inside a details section. I am getting closer. I can now see my report with Ops across the top.