Talk me off the support ledge

I’ve had two calls with Epicor support related to missing data in the Change Log View, that is clearly in the ChgLog table. The 1st call (1692863PSC) never got anywhere, and I moved on to other things and assumed it was just old converted Change Log data that was missing. However, the issue resurfaced, this time new changes, so I opened a new call (CS0000506637) it’s been two months, and I finally received a reply which says the Change Log Viewer is working correctly.

I’m extremely fusterated because I’ve made no progress and I’m not sure they understand the problem. Can someone explain to me if I’m wrong. Here’s a brief description.

I have missing data on the Change Log Viewer on some Part records, however, if I query the chglog table I can see the data. Some parts show all of the data in the ChgLog (Part, PartPlant, PartWhse tables), others are missing data from related tables (PartPlant). I sent two examples for them to look at, copies on the ChangeLog BPMS, and our db.

The reply I received today was:

I’ve reviewed this today with my engineer and it looks like you are expecting everything for the part to show up in the change log viewer. When looking at the viewer we see it is specific to the Part table. When looking at the outputs of your 92872-01 in the change log viewer there are 4 records. When looking at the output of your change log records in the database for 92872-01 there are 4 records on the Part table. So the viewer is showing correctly. There are many records though under the Part Plant table.

My reply back was:

I disagree.

The Change Log on Part Entry & Tracker has always shown all logged Changes to any related tables to Part, (i.e. PartPlant, PartWhse, etc…) If it shouldn’t show these records where are you suppose to view these Change Logs? Furthermore, PartPlant Records are showing up the the Part Change Log for some part just not all of them.

Am I missing something? Anyone else having any issues with Change Logs?

I have always been under the impression that if you want to track changes to data that you needed to turn it on for the specific table.

I could easily be wrong.

I’ve had similar issues with the support team down in Mexico. It is frustrating on many levels… the delay between correspondence and ultimately them telling you there isn’t a problem (despite upload a multi GB db to prove otherwise).

I’ve resorted mainly to fixing (work arounds) the problems myself and avoiding the time of even creating a ticket. Lucky for me, I’m a developer so I can do that but I’d venture to say that most people aren’t that lucky. I feel your pain. Your only chance is to piss support off enough that they assign Nathan :slight_smile:

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Hi Norman,

I’m perplexed, because my Part change log shows all of the part tables, like I think you want. We’re on version 10.1.600.5. What version are you on? See below screenshot, bunch of different part tables. The BAMS we had in 905702 when we migrated to 10 converted well to the data directives too, much to my surprise and pleasure!

PS: I have a few calls in to Epicor support in Mexico and the lack of support is killing us post upgrade. I think they drag their feet and make it impossible so you have to develop work arounds.


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Direct contact to your Epicor CAM may jostle the bee-hive per epi-support in order to get attention.

All the change logs we enabled in 10.0 failed in their duties sometime following our upgrade to 10.1. It took us a few weeks to notice. Support was not to tell us why or what to do. I got them going again by unchecking enabled, saving, and checking enabled. They’ve been working fine ever since, though I’ll be checking them following our next upgrade.

We are frustrated by the inability to invoke any change log collection method other than “Daily”, but that’s a previous post.

Thanks for verifying my expectations are correct, and this is the way it works for some of our parts, but other have missing data. As the Change records seem to be in the ChgLog table and just not showing in the View, I’ve assumed it’s a data issue, and @aidacra has also hinted that might be the issue as well.

I had another experience with logging recently. Our SOX auditor wanted to see who added account numbers. Great, no problem because we added a Data Directive with a ChgLog. While we did find an entry in the ChgLog with a date/time stamp with the user, it only had the account number but none of the other items marked for logging. In the logging text, it just said, “New Record” and nothing else. So I filed a case and the rep came back and said, “WAD” (Working as designed). He thought it might be useful to know what was added but that’s not a part of the spec.

My reply in EpicCare was a single line:

“New Comment”

He asked if I meant to type something. I wrote, “It might be nice if EpicCare had the details of a new comment but EpicCare was working as designed”

Then I apologized for being a ____. I thought I heard that in some vNext (safe harbor is easy when I don’t know squat) that logging might be getting a fresh look. I hope so, because it might be cool to see who deleted something too.

Mark W.


LOL!!! Classic response, Mark, I gotta remember that one! Sometimes it takes being absurd to point out the absurd!

Hi Norman,
Yes, support isn’t perfect, there are some great people working there @aidacra being the frigging BEST! However sometimes they miss the boat, try their escalation that usually lights a fire under their feet!


I agree…can we please clone him???




You guys/gaIs–I put on my cargo pocketed tactical pants two legs at a time in a hilarious rabbit hopping fashion every morning just like everyone else.


Uuuuh…well, in that case, maybe we should make some changes in the cloning process… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :thinking:

LOL :smile:


FYI - The R&D team has long been researching a cloning process with Nathan targeted as the first subject for purely selfish reasons. He routinely gets nominated for internal company awards by us so I am happy to see he is recognized by the community as well.


Oh, let me be clear. I have NO complaints with the Epicor support people. They look at us like we look at our users when they come to us without all the information, without trying out things first, without reading the documentation, etc.

Frankly, I feel badly because they have to explain customer needs to the development team and then deliver the (sometimes) bad news. They have a tough job and I won’t beat on them. I met several of the team at Insights and they were really great people to talk to.

The only gripe I have with support sometimes is time-zone is not prioritized so issues in Europe that come through the Americas will consistently lose a day. We sometimes get Eastern Time responses after 5 or 6 and lose a day, but that’s a system management issue, not the support team.

My two cents.

Mark W.


@nhutchins, I’ve been able to determine the cause of the issue you’re experiencing, and have a pair of data fixes (one from a retro from 10.1.600+ and another I just wrote that will be targeted to vNext) that will address the issue where not all change log entries are displayed in the UI for part related logs. I’ll send you the fixes via the case shortly.