I am trying to configure the TaskList> List> grid to only display 100 rows at a time as the default number of rows is now over 1500. In researching this, I learned that the Tasklist screen has the following parameters:
The morePages is currently set to False while absolutePage is 1, and pageSize is set to 0. Using a pre-directive BPM, I changed the pageSize to 30 for testing and morePages to True. This reduced the number of rows to 30 but I can’t figure out how Epicor will display the next/previous 30 rows.
Basically, I am attempted to control how many lines are being displayed in a DV. But I need an example of how to provide scrolling to the next page. So for example if 1500 rows are in the DV, and only 100 rows are per page, then the user would need to scroll to through 15 more pages.
When you say call it again, what exactly do mean? Say I add a Next command button. Are you saying that when the button is clicked, the DataView which is binded to the target grid would update or the grid would refresh? I am sorry but I am very confused. What would be the pseudo code look like:
I am not call the DataView, from the BPM. If the command button calls the refresh, is there a way to pass the Absolute-Page to the BPM directive or set the Absolute-Page prior to calling refresh?