Time n Expense Error For Serial Number


I have 1 Job of 5 operation with Serial number assign.
Eg at Opr 3, I put NonConf Qty of 2 pcs in MES and DMR created and relevant serial number is assign during this.
DMR also accepted and now this 2 pcs is good pcs.

But somehow I want to minus this 1 pcs from it.
I am using Time n expense with -1, select operation and select serial number. But it is giving error as below screenshot.

I tried changing the status like WIP but still giving same error. How to perform -1 for any completed serial number

Easier I would think to recall the T&E then redo with correct amount.

Hi Smith,

I didn’t got your point.

Basically, we use Time n Expense to reverse the transaction eg say -1.
So for particular serial number i need to select but it gives error…

So is there any way we can assign existing serial number to -1 transaction

Recall the EXCESS T&E entry then you can adjust it to not include that SN then reapprove.

This. Either edit the original labor, or if that’s posted and non-editable, use Job Adjustment. Don’t manually add counter entries in T&E.

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In Job Adjustment, there is no option for selecting serial number for which i need to do -1 qty. It is normally doing -1 but when doing time n expense, it is still showing same error