Time Phase Inquiry: Exception - Direct

Thank you, Melissa, Greg and especially Beth! Looks like we found the culprit – the item was marked as non-stock.





I am trying to interpret a Time Phase Inquiry report run by our Purchasing Department.


On a particular part, and ONLY that particular part, the report reads in the column “Exception,” the word “Direct.”


This means (to Purchasing) that they are not getting a suggestion to purchase that part for two upcoming jobs.


Can anyone explain to me where (what input screen)  that designation is coming from and what it means?





I on the part master (part entry screen) there is a check off box "Buy to order" under Plants, Detail. That might be causing it.


I am assuming that you are referring to a purchased part (the report can be run for both purchased and manufactured parts).

So the word "Direct" means that the part is to be purchased for a particular job.  I would open Time Phase Inquiry and key in the part number to look at what Time Phase is actually telling you.  There should be a job calling for it and Time Phase Inquiry will tell you what the job number is.  If you look at job, it should tell you the part that needs it.  Time Phase that part and it will give you the Sales Order that is driving the demand.  You could then look back for a Quote.

It sounds like this material was part of a quote where the Purchase Direct checkbox was checked (in E10 it is just labeled Purchase).  If the material is not a part in the Part table, then the checkbox will be checked automatically.  It will also be checked if the part is in the Part table but is set as non-stock.  If Purchasing is not getting a suggestion for it, that could be a couple of different reasons why:

1.  The part is not in the Part table so it is considered "Part-on-the-fly" (no PO Suggestions).

2.  The part is in the Part table but the "Process MRP" checkbox is unchecked.

Hope this helps!


Thanks for the idea, Melissa, but that doesn’t seem to be the cause of this one.




From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2015 3:43 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Time Phase Inquiry: Exception - Direct



I on the part master (part entry screen) there is a check off box "Buy to order" under Plants, Detail. That might be causing it.



For us that comes from the purchase direct checkbox on job material. I would start with the part in part tracker and open with time phase. Look for the direct exception and that line would have the demand that is direct.




From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2015 3:06 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Time Phase Inquiry: Exception - Direct





I am trying to interpret a Time Phase Inquiry report run by our Purchasing Department.


On a particular part, and ONLY that particular part, the report reads in the column “Exception,” the word “Direct.”


This means (to Purchasing) that they are not getting a suggestion to purchase that part for two upcoming jobs.


Can anyone explain to me where (what input screen)  that designation is coming from and what it means?






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